You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

96 lines
2.6 KiB

if(!defined('DATALIFEENGINE')){die("Hacking attempt!");}
if ($is_logged)
if ($_REQUEST['code'] == "01")
$db->query("UPDATE " . PREFIX . "_users SET forum_last = '$_TIME', forum_time = '$_TIME' WHERE name = '$member_id[name]'");
$db->query("DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_forum_views WHERE user_id = '$member_id[user_id]'");
$_SESSION['forum_last'] = $_TIME;
@header("Location: {$forum_url}");
if ($cstart)
$cstart = $cstart - 1;
$cstart = $cstart * $forum_config['topic_inpage'];
$row_views = $db->query("SELECT topic_id FROM " . PREFIX . "_forum_views WHERE user_id = '$member_id[user_id]'");
$topic_views = array();
while ($row = $db->get_row($row_views))
$topic_views[$row['topic_id']] = '1';
$config_inpage = $forum_config['topic_inpage'];
$result_topics = $db->query("SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "_forum_topics WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_date) > '$lasttime' and hidden = 0 LIMIT ".$cstart.",".$forum_config['topic_inpage']."");
require_once SYSTEM_DIR.'/forum/sources/showtopics.php';
if (!$is_topics)
$msg_info = $f_lang['is_topics'];
$get_count = $db->super_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM " . PREFIX . "_forum_topics WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_date) > '$lasttime' and hidden = 0");
$count_all = $get_count['count'];
$icat = $forum_url."/getnew/";
require_once SYSTEM_DIR.'/forum/sources/components/navigation.php';
$tpl->set('{banner}', '');
$tpl->set('{forum}', $f_lang['getnew_title']);
$tpl->set('{topics}', $tpl->result['topics']);
$tpl->set('{info}', $msg_info);
$tpl->set('{navigation}', $tpl->result['navigation']);
$all_read_link = "<a href=\"{$a_forum_url}act=getnew&code=01\">{$f_lang['all_read_link']}</a>";
$tpl->set_block("'\\[options\\](.*?)\\[/options\\]'si", $all_read_link);
$group_name = $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['group_name'];
forum_msg($f_lang['f_msg'], $f_lang['page_deny'], 'user_group', $group_name);
$bbr_app = $f_lang['app_getnew'];