You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

208 lines
6.7 KiB

function ajax_post_edit ( p_id ){
if ( ! c_cache[ p_id ] || c_cache[ p_id ] == '' ){
c_cache[ p_id ] = $('#post-id-'+p_id).html();
$.get( forum_ajax + "editpost.php", { id: p_id, action: "edit" }, function(data){
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function ajax_save_post_edit( c_id ){
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function doAddPost(){
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function postDelete(url){
var agree=confirm( 'Âû äåéñòâèòåëüíî õîòèòå óäàëèòü ýòî ñîîáùåíèå?' );
if (agree)
function topicDelete(url){
var agree=confirm( 'Âû äåéñòâèòåëüíî õîòèòå óäàëèòü ýòó òåìó?' );
if (agree)
function rowDelete(url){
var agree=confirm( 'Âû äåéñòâèòåëüíî õîòèòå óäàëèòü ýòó çàïèñü?' );
if (agree)
function TopicMenu( tid, forum_url, moderation ){
var menu=new Array();
if (moderation)
menu[0]='<a href="' + forum_url + 'act=moderation&code=calc&tid=' + tid + '">Ïåðåñ÷èòàòü âñå â òåìå</a>';
menu[1]='<a href="' + forum_url + 'act=subscription&code=add&tid=' + tid + '">Ïîäïèñêà íà òåìó</a>';
menu[2]='<a href="' + forum_url + 'act=_topic&code=forward&tid=' + tid + '">Ñîîáùèòü äðóãó</a>';
menu[3]='<a href="' + forum_url + 'act=_topic&code=print&tid=' + tid + '">Âåðñèÿ äëÿ ïå÷àòè</a>';
return menu;
function ForumMenu( fid, moderation, forum_url ){
var menu=new Array();
if (moderation){
menu[0]='<a href="' + forum_url + 'showforum=' + fid + '&code=hidden">Ïîêàçàòü âñå ñêðûòûå òåìû</a>';
menu[1]='<a href="' + forum_url + 'act=getforum&code=calc&fid=' + fid + '">Ïåðåñ÷èòàòü âñå â ôîðóìå</a>';
menu[3]='<a href="' + forum_url + 'showforum=' + fid + '&code=today">Àêòèâíûå òåìû</a>';
menu[4]='<a href="' + forum_url + 'showforum=' + fid + '&code=noreply">Òåìû áåç îòâåòîâ</a>';
return menu;
function PostEditMenu( pid, forum_url, page, post_n ){
var menu=new Array();
menu[0]='<a onclick="ajax_post_edit(\'' + pid + '\'); return false;" href="#">' + menu_short + '</a>';
menu[1]='<a href="' + forum_url + 'act=post&code=02&pid=' + pid + '&p=' + page + '&pn=' + post_n + '">' + menu_full + '</a>';
return menu;
function FUserMenu( url, m_id, group, forum_url ){
var menu=new Array();
menu[0]='<a href="' + dle_root + 'user/' + url + '">' + menu_profile + '</a>';
menu[1]='<a href="' + dle_root + 'index.php?do=pm&doaction=newpm&user=' + m_id + '">' + menu_send + '</a>';
menu[2]='<a href="' + forum_url + 'act=getforum&code=user&mname=' + url + '">Íàéòè òåìû ïîëüçîâàòåëÿ</a>';
if (group == '1') {
menu[3]='<a onclick="\'' + dle_root + dle_admin + '?mod=editusers&action=edituser&id=' + m_id + '\', \'User\',\'toolbar=0,location=0,status=0, left=0, top=0, menubar=0,scrollbars=yes,resizable=0,width=540,height=500\'); return false;" href="#">' + menu_uedit + '</a>';
return menu;
function navigation(pages_count, url){
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if (page)
if (pages_count >= page)
window.location.href = url + page;
function PostLink(link){
url = window.location;
var enterCause = prompt("Êîïèðîâàíèå ïðÿìîé ññûëêè", url + "#post-" + link);
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if ( add )
clean[ clean.length ] = sid;
newvalue = clean.join(',');
document.modform.selected_id.value = newvalue;
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document.getElementById( name ).style.display = "";
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function PostPreview(){
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$.post(forum_ajax + "post.preview.php", { post_text: post_text, skin: dle_skin}, function(data){
function uploadsform(open_url){
$.post(forum_ajax + "uploads.form.php", {open_url: open_url}, function(data){
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"Çàêðûòü": function() {
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