192 lines
7.6 KiB
192 lines
7.6 KiB
if( !defined( 'DATALIFEENGINE' ) OR !defined( 'LOGGED_IN' ) ) {die( "Hacking attempt!" );}
if( ! $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['admin_blockip'] ) {msg( "error", $lang['index_denied'], $lang['index_denied'] );}
if( isset( $_REQUEST['ip_add'] ) ) $ip_add = $db->safesql( htmlspecialchars( strip_tags( trim( $_REQUEST['ip_add'] ) ) ) ); else $ip_add = "";
if( isset( $_REQUEST['ip'] ) ) $ip = htmlspecialchars( strip_tags( trim( $_REQUEST['ip'] ) ) ); else $ip = "";
if( isset( $_REQUEST['id'] ) ) $id = intval( $_REQUEST['id'] ); else $id = 0;
if( $action == "add" ) {
if( $_REQUEST['user_hash'] == "" or $_REQUEST['user_hash'] != $dle_login_hash ) {die( "Hacking attempt! User not found" );}
include_once SYSTEM_DIR . '/classes/parse.class.php';
$parse = new ParseFilter( );
$parse->safe_mode = true;
$banned_descr = $db->safesql( $parse->BB_Parse( $parse->process( $_POST['descr'] ), false ) );
if( (trim( $_POST['date'] ) == "") or (($_POST['date'] = strtotime( $_POST['date'] )) === - 1) ) {
$this_time = 0;
$days = 0;
} else {
$this_time = $_POST['date'];
$days = 1;
if( ! $ip_add ) {msg( "error", $lang['ip_error'], $lang['ip_error'], "$PHP_SELF?mod=blockip" );}
$row = $db->super_query( "SELECT id FROM " . PREFIX . "_banned WHERE ip ='$ip_add'" );
if ( $row['id'] ) {msg( "error", $lang['ip_error_1'], $lang['ip_error_1'], "$PHP_SELF?mod=blockip" );}
$db->query( "INSERT INTO " . USERPREFIX . "_banned (descr, date, days, ip) values ('$banned_descr', '$this_time', '$days', '$ip_add')" );
} elseif( $action == "delete" ) {
if( $_REQUEST['user_hash'] == "" or $_REQUEST['user_hash'] != $dle_login_hash ) {die( "Hacking attempt! User not found" );}
if( ! $id ) {msg( "error", $lang['ip_error'], $lang['ip_error'], "$PHP_SELF?mod=blockip" );}
$db->query( "DELETE FROM " . USERPREFIX . "_banned WHERE id = '$id'" );
$cache->delete('banned.php' );
echoheader( "", "" );
echo <<<HTML
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="system/skins/calendar-blue.css" title="win2k-cold-1" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="system/skins/calendar.js"></script>
<form action="" method="post">
<div style="padding-top:5px;padding-bottom:2px;">
<table width="100%">
<td width="4"><img src="system/skins/images/tl_lo.gif" width="4" height="4" border="0"></td>
<td background="system/skins/images/tl_oo.gif"><img src="system/skins/images/tl_oo.gif" width="1" height="4" border="0"></td>
<td width="6"><img src="system/skins/images/tl_ro.gif" width="6" height="4" border="0"></td>
<td background="system/skins/images/tl_lb.gif"><img src="system/skins/images/tl_lb.gif" width="4" height="1" border="0"></td>
<td style="padding:5px;" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<table width="100%">
<td bgcolor="#EFEFEF" height="29" style="padding-left:10px;"><div class="navigation">{$lang['ip_add']}</div></td>
<div class="unterline"></div>
<table width="100%">
<td style="padding:2px;" colspan="2">{$lang['ip_example']}</td>
<td colspan="2"><div class="hr_line"></div></td>
<td style="padding:2px;" width="160">{$lang['ip_type']}</td>
<td style="padding:2px;" width="100%"><input class="edit" style="width:250px;" type="text" name="ip_add" value="{$ip}"></td>
<td style="padding:2px;" width="160" nowrap>{$lang['ban_date']}</td>
<td style="padding:2px;"><input type="text" name="date" id="f_date_c" size="20" class=edit>
<img src="system/skins/images/img.gif" align="absmiddle" id="f_trigger_c" style="cursor: pointer; border: 0" title="{$lang['edit_ecal']}"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
inputField : "f_date_c", // id of the input field
ifFormat : "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", // format of the input field
button : "f_trigger_c", // trigger for the calendar (button ID)
align : "Br", // alignment
timeFormat : "24",
showsTime : true,
singleClick : true
<td style="padding:2px;">{$lang['ban_descr']}</td>
<td style="padding:2px;">{$lang['ip_add_descr']} <textarea class="edit" style="width:250px;height:70px;" name="descr"></textarea></td>
<td style="padding:2px;"> </td>
<td style="padding:2px;"><input type="submit" value="{$lang['user_save']}" class="edit"></td>
<td background="system/skins/images/tl_rb.gif"><img src="system/skins/images/tl_rb.gif" width="6" height="1" border="0"></td>
<td><img src="system/skins/images/tl_lu.gif" width="4" height="6" border="0"></td>
<td background="system/skins/images/tl_ub.gif"><img src="system/skins/images/tl_ub.gif" width="1" height="6" border="0"></td>
<td><img src="system/skins/images/tl_ru.gif" width="6" height="6" border="0"></td>
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="add">
<input type="hidden" name="user_hash" value="$dle_login_hash">
echo <<<HTML
<div style="padding-top:5px;padding-bottom:2px;">
<table width="100%">
<td width="4"><img src="system/skins/images/tl_lo.gif" width="4" height="4" border="0"></td>
<td background="system/skins/images/tl_oo.gif"><img src="system/skins/images/tl_oo.gif" width="1" height="4" border="0"></td>
<td width="6"><img src="system/skins/images/tl_ro.gif" width="6" height="4" border="0"></td>
<td background="system/skins/images/tl_lb.gif"><img src="system/skins/images/tl_lb.gif" width="4" height="1" border="0"></td>
<td style="padding:5px;" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<table width="100%">
<td bgcolor="#EFEFEF" height="29" style="padding-left:10px;"><div class="navigation">{$lang['ip_list']}</div></td>
<div class="unterline"></div>
<table width="100%">
<td width="200" style="padding:2px;"> </td>
<td width="190">{$lang['ban_date']}</td>
<td width="250">{$lang['ban_descr']}</td>
<td> </td>
<tr><td colspan="4"><div class="hr_line"></div></td></tr>
$db->query( "SELECT * FROM " . USERPREFIX . "_banned WHERE users_id = '0' ORDER BY id DESC" );
$i = 0;
while ( $row = $db->get_row() ) {
$i ++;
if( $row['date'] ) $endban = langdate( "j M Y H:i", $row['date'] );
else $endban = $lang['banned_info'];
echo "
<td style=\"padding:3px\">
<td style=\"padding:3px\">
<td style=\"padding:3px\">
" . stripslashes( $row['descr'] ) . "
[<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?mod=blockip&action=delete&id={$row['id']}&user_hash={$dle_login_hash}\">{$lang['ip_unblock']}</a>]</td>
</tr><tr><td background=\"system/skins/images/mline.gif\" height=1 colspan=4></td></tr>
if( $i == 0 ) {
echo "<tr>
<td height=\"18\" colspan=\"4\">
<p align=\"center\"><br><b>$lang[ip_empty]<br><br></b>
echo <<<HTML
<td background="system/skins/images/tl_rb.gif"><img src="system/skins/images/tl_rb.gif" width="6" height="1" border="0"></td>
<td><img src="system/skins/images/tl_lu.gif" width="4" height="6" border="0"></td>
<td background="system/skins/images/tl_ub.gif"><img src="system/skins/images/tl_ub.gif" width="1" height="6" border="0"></td>
<td><img src="system/skins/images/tl_ru.gif" width="6" height="6" border="0"></td>