
182 lines
8.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2019-05-18 13:46:03 +08:00
if (! defined ( 'DATALIFEENGINE' )) {die ( "Hacking attempt!" );}
@include (SYSTEM_DIR . '/data/config.php');
@include (SYSTEM_DIR . '/data/repa.php');
require_once SYSTEM_DIR . '/classes/mysql.php';
require_once SYSTEM_DIR . '/data/dbconfig.php';
require_once SYSTEM_DIR . '/modules/functions.php';
require_once SYSTEM_DIR . '/modules/gzip.php';
include_once SYSTEM_DIR . '/cron.php';
$Timer = new microTimer ( );
$Timer->start ();
check_xss ();
if (isset ( $_REQUEST['year'] )) $year = intval ( $_GET['year'] ); else $year = '';
if (isset ( $_REQUEST['month'] )) $month = @$db->safesql ( strip_tags ( str_replace ( '/', '', $_GET['month'] ) ) ); else $month = '';
if (isset ( $_REQUEST['day'] )) $day = @$db->safesql ( strip_tags ( str_replace ( '/', '', $_GET['day'] ) ) ); else $day = '';
if (isset ( $_REQUEST['user'] )) $user = @$db->safesql ( strip_tags ( str_replace ( '/', '', urldecode ( $_GET['user'] ) ) ) ); else $user = '';
if (isset ( $_REQUEST['news_name'] )) $news_name = @$db->safesql ( strip_tags ( str_replace ( '/', '', $_GET['news_name'] ) ) ); else $news_name = '';
if (isset ( $_REQUEST['newsid'] )) $newsid = intval ( $_GET['newsid'] ); else $newsid = 0;
if (isset ( $_REQUEST['cstart'] )) $cstart = intval ( $_GET['cstart'] ); else $cstart = 0;
if (isset ( $_REQUEST['news_page'] )) $news_page = intval ( $_GET['news_page'] ); else $news_page = 0;
if (isset ( $_REQUEST['category'] )) {
if (substr ( $_GET['category'], - 1, 1 ) == '/') $_GET['category'] = substr ( $_GET['category'], 0, - 1 );
$category = explode ( '/', $_GET['category'] );
$category = end ( $category );
$category = $db->safesql ( strip_tags ( $category ) );
} else $category = '';
$PHP_SELF = $config['http_home_url'] . "index.php";
$pm_alert = "";
$ajax = "";
$_DOCUMENT_DATE = false;
$user_query = "";
$metatags = array (
'title' => $config['home_title'],
'description' => $config['description'],
'keywords' => $config['keywords'],
'header_title' => "" );
$user_color = $cache->get ( "user_color" );
if (! $user_color){
$user_color = array ();
$db->query ( "SELECT user_id, name, user_group FROM " . USERPREFIX . "_users WHERE user_group <> '4' " );
while ( $row = $db->get_row () ){
$user_color[$row['name']] = array ();
foreach ( $row as $key => $value ) {
$user_color[$row['name']][$key] = $value;
$cache->set ( "user_color", $user_color );
$db->free ();
$user_group = $cache->get ( "usergroup" );
if (! $user_group) {
$user_group = array ();
$db->query ( "SELECT * FROM " . USERPREFIX . "_usergroups ORDER BY id ASC" );
while ( $row = $db->get_row () ) {
$user_group[$row['id']] = array ();
foreach ( $row as $key => $value ) {$user_group[$row['id']][$key] = stripslashes($value);}
$cache->set ( "usergroup", $user_group );
$db->free ();
$cat_info = $cache->get ( "category" );
if (! is_array ( $cat_info )) {
$cat_info = array ();
$db->query ( "SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "_category ORDER BY posi ASC" );
while ( $row = $db->get_row () ) {
$cat_info[$row['id']] = array ();
foreach ( $row as $key => $value ) {$cat_info[$row['id']][$key] = stripslashes ( $value );}
$cache->set ( "category", $cat_info );
$db->free ();
$banned_info = $cache->get ( "banned" );
if (! is_array ( $banned_info )) {
$banned_info = array ();
$db->query ( "SELECT * FROM " . USERPREFIX . "_banned" );
while ( $row = $db->get_row () ) {
if ($row['users_id']) {$banned_info['users_id'][$row['users_id']] = array ('users_id' => $row['users_id'], 'descr' => stripslashes ( $row['descr'] ), 'date' => $row['date'] );
} else {if (count ( explode ( ".", $row['ip'] ) ) == 4) $banned_info['ip'][$row['ip']] = array ('ip' => $row['ip'], 'descr' => stripslashes ( $row['descr'] ), 'date' => $row['date']);
elseif (strpos ( $row['ip'], "@" ) !== false) $banned_info['email'][$row['ip']] = array ('email' => $row['ip'], 'descr' => stripslashes ( $row['descr'] ), 'date' => $row['date'] );
else $banned_info['name'][$row['ip']] = array ('name' => $row['ip'], 'descr' => stripslashes ( $row['descr'] ), 'date' => $row['date'] );
$cache->set ( "banned", $banned_info );
$db->free ();
if ($category != '') $category_id = get_ID ( $cat_info, $category );
else $category_id = false;
include_once ROOT_DIR . '/language/' . $config['langs'] . '/website.lng';
$config['charset'] = ($lang['charset'] != '') ? $lang['charset'] : $config['charset'];
$smartphone_detected = false;
if( isset( $_REQUEST['action'] ) and $_REQUEST['action'] == "mobiledisable" ) $_SESSION['mobile_disable'] = 1;
if( isset( $_REQUEST['action'] ) and $_REQUEST['action'] == "mobile" ) { $_SESSION['mobile_enable'] = 1; $_SESSION['mobile_disable'] = 0;}
if( !isset( $_SESSION['mobile_disable'] ) ) $_SESSION['mobile_disable'] = 0;
if( !isset( $_SESSION['mobile_enable'] ) ) $_SESSION['mobile_enable'] = 0;
if ( !$_SESSION['mobile_disable'] ) {
if ( check_smartphone() ) {
if ( @is_dir ( ROOT_DIR . '/templates/smartphone' ) ) {
$config['skin'] = "smartphone";
$smartphone_detected = true;
$config['ajax'] = false;
require_once SYSTEM_DIR . '/classes/templates.class.php';
$tpl = new dle_template ( );
$tpl->dir = ROOT_DIR . '/templates/' . $config['skin'];
define ( 'TEMPLATE_DIR', $tpl->dir );
if (isset ( $_POST['set_new_sort'] )) {
$allowed_sort = array ('date', 'rating', 'news_read', 'comm_num', 'title' );
$find_sort = str_replace ( ".", "", totranslit ( $_POST['set_new_sort'] ) );
$direction_sort = str_replace ( ".", "", totranslit ( $_POST['set_direction_sort'] ) );
if (in_array ( $_POST['dlenewssortby'], $allowed_sort )) {
if ($_POST['dledirection'] == "desc" or $_POST['dledirection'] == "asc") {
$_SESSION[$find_sort] = $_POST['dlenewssortby'];
$_SESSION[$direction_sort] = $_POST['dledirection'];
$_SESSION['dle_no_cache'] = "1";
if ($_POST['dle_comm_sort'] == "DESC" or $_POST['dle_comm_sort'] == "ASC"){
set_cookie("dle_comm_sort", $_POST['dle_comm_sort'], 365);
$dle_comm_sort = $_POST['dle_comm_sort'];
$_SESSION['dle_comm_sort'] = $_POST['dle_comm_sort'];
$_SESSION['dle_no_cache'] = "1";
// }elseif ($_COOKIE['dle_comm_sort'] == "DESC" or $_COOKIE['dle_comm_sort'] == "ASC"){
}elseif ($_SESSION['dle_comm_sort'] == "DESC" or $_SESSION['dle_comm_sort'] == "ASC"){
//$dle_comm_sort = $_COOKIE['dle_comm_sort'];
$dle_comm_sort = $_SESSION['dle_comm_sort'];
$_SESSION['dle_no_cache'] = "1";
}else{$dle_comm_sort = $config['comm_msort'];}
include_once SYSTEM_DIR . '/modules/sitelogin.php';
//Проверяем забанен ли пользователь
if ( isset( $banned_info['ip'] ) ) $blockip = check_ip ( $banned_info['ip'] ); else $blockip = false;
if (($is_logged and $member_id['banned'] == "yes") or $blockip) include_once SYSTEM_DIR . '/modules/banned.php';
if ($is_logged) {
set_cookie ( "dle_newpm", $member_id['pm_unread'], 365 );
if ($member_id['pm_unread'] > intval ( $_COOKIE['dle_newpm'] ) AND !$smartphone_detected) {
include_once SYSTEM_DIR . '/modules/pm_alert.php';
if ($is_logged) {
$tpl->set('{profile_name}', $member_id['name']);
$tpl->set('{profile_link}', $config['http_home_url'] . "user/" . urlencode ( $member_id['name'] ) . "/");
$tpl->set('{addnews_link}', $config['http_home_url'] . "addnews.html");
$tpl->set('{newsposts_link}', $config['http_home_url'] . "newposts/");
$tpl->set('{fav_link}', $config['http_home_url'] . "favorites/");
$tpl->set('{pm_link}', $PHP_SELF . "?do=pm");
$tpl->set('{logout_link}', $PHP_SELF . "?action=logout");
$tpl->set('{admin_link}', $config['http_home_url'] . $config['admin_path'] . "?mod=main");
if ($member_id['favorites']) {$fav = count(explode("," ,$member_id['favorites']));} else $fav = '0';
$tpl->set('{fav_count}', $fav);
$tpl->set( '{new-pm}', $member_id['pm_unread'] );
$tpl->set( '{all-pm}', $member_id['pm_all'] );
$tpl->set('{reg_link}', $PHP_SELF . "?do=register");
$tpl->set('{lost_link}', $PHP_SELF . "?do=lostpassword");
include_once SYSTEM_DIR . '/offline.php';
require_once ROOT_DIR . '/system/engine.php';
require_once SYSTEM_DIR.'/modules/online.php';
include_once SYSTEM_DIR . '/modules/toptables.php';
include_once SYSTEM_DIR . '/modules/chat/block.php';
include_once SYSTEM_DIR . '/modules/comments-last.php';