246 lines
9.3 KiB
246 lines
9.3 KiB
@ini_set('display_errors', true);
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define('DATALIFEENGINE', true);
define( 'ROOT_DIR', substr( dirname( __FILE__ ), 0, -12 ) );
define( 'SYSTEM_DIR', ROOT_DIR . '/system' );
include SYSTEM_DIR.'/data/config.php';
require_once SYSTEM_DIR.'/classes/mysql.php';
require_once SYSTEM_DIR.'/data/dbconfig.php';
require_once SYSTEM_DIR.'/inc/include/functions.inc.php';
$selected_language = $config['langs'];
if (isset( $_COOKIE['selected_language'] )) {
$_COOKIE['selected_language'] = trim(totranslit( $_COOKIE['selected_language'], false, false ));
if ($_COOKIE['selected_language'] != "" AND @is_dir ( ROOT_DIR . '/language/' . $_COOKIE['selected_language'] )) {
$selected_language = $_COOKIE['selected_language'];
require_once ROOT_DIR.'/language/'.$selected_language.'/adminpanel.lng';
$config['charset'] = ($lang['charset'] != '') ? $lang['charset'] : $config['charset'];
require_once SYSTEM_DIR.'/modules/sitelogin.php';
if(($member_id['user_group'] != 1)) {die ("error");}
if ($_REQUEST['user_hash'] == "" OR $_REQUEST['user_hash'] != $dle_login_hash) {
die ("error");
if ($_REQUEST['step'] == 10) {
$_REQUEST['step'] = 11;
$db->query("TRUNCATE TABLE " . USERPREFIX . "_lostdb");
$db->query("TRUNCATE TABLE " . PREFIX . "_com_logs");
$db->query("TRUNCATE TABLE " . PREFIX . "_poll_log");
if ($_REQUEST['step'] == 8) {
$_REQUEST['step'] = 9;
$db->query("TRUNCATE TABLE " . USERPREFIX . "_pm");
$db->query("UPDATE " . USERPREFIX . "_users set pm_all='0', pm_unread='0'");
if ($_REQUEST['step'] == 6) {
$_REQUEST['step'] = 7;
$sql = $db->query("SELECT name, user_id, news_num, comm_num FROM " . USERPREFIX . "_users");
while($row = $db->get_row($sql)){
$posts = $db->super_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM " . PREFIX . "_post WHERE autor = '{$row['name']}'");
$comms = $db->super_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM " . PREFIX . "_comments WHERE user_id = '{$row['user_id']}'");
if (($posts['count'] != $row['news_num']) OR ($comms['count'] != $row['comm_num']))
$db->query("UPDATE " . USERPREFIX . "_users set news_num={$posts['count']}, comm_num={$comms['count']} where user_id='{$row['user_id']}'");
$db->free ($sql);
if ($_REQUEST['step'] == 4) {
if ((@strtotime($_REQUEST['date']) === -1) OR (trim($_REQUEST['date']) == ""))
$_REQUEST['step'] = 3;
else {
$_REQUEST['step'] = 5;
$sql = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) as count, post_id FROM " . PREFIX . "_comments WHERE date < '{$_REQUEST['date']}' GROUP BY post_id");
while($row = $db->get_row($sql)){
$db->query("UPDATE " . PREFIX . "_post set comm_num=comm_num-{$row['count']} where id='{$row['post_id']}'");
$db->query("DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_comments WHERE date < '{$_REQUEST['date']}'");
$db->free ($sql);
if ($_REQUEST['step'] == 2) {
if ((@strtotime($_REQUEST['date']) === -1) OR (trim($_REQUEST['date']) == ""))
$_REQUEST['step'] = 1;
else {
$_REQUEST['step'] = 3;
$sql = $db->query("SELECT id FROM " . PREFIX . "_post WHERE date < '{$_REQUEST['date']}'");
while($row = $db->get_row($sql)){
$db->query("DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_comments WHERE post_id='{$row['id']}'");
$db->query("DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_files WHERE news_id = '{$row['id']}'");
$db->query("DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_poll WHERE news_id = '{$row['id']}'");
$db->query("DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_poll_log WHERE news_id = '{$row['id']}'");
$db->query("DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_tags WHERE news_id = '{$row['id']}'" );
$getfiles = $db->query("SELECT onserver FROM " . PREFIX . "_files WHERE news_id = '{$row['id']}'");
while($file = $db->get_row($getfiles)){
$db->free ($getfiles);
$image = $db->super_query("SELECT images FROM " . PREFIX . "_images where news_id = '{$row['id']}'");
$listimages = explode("|||", $image['images']);
if ($image['images'] != "")
foreach ($listimages as $dataimages) {
$url_image = explode("/", $dataimages);
if (count($url_image) == 2) {
$folder_prefix = $url_image[0]."/";
$dataimages = $url_image[1];
} else {
$folder_prefix = "";
$dataimages = $url_image[0];
$db->query("DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_images WHERE news_id = '{$row['id']}'");
$db->query("DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_post WHERE date < '{$_REQUEST['date']}'");
$db->free ($sql);
if ($_REQUEST['step'] == 11) {
$rs = $db->query("SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `".DBNAME."`");
while ($r = $db->get_array($rs)) {
$db->query("OPTIMIZE TABLE ". $r['Name']);
$db->free ($rs);
$db->query("SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `".DBNAME."`");
$mysql_size = 0;
while ($r = $db->get_array()) {
if (strpos($r['Name'], PREFIX."_") !== false)
$mysql_size += $r['Data_length'] + $r['Index_length'] ;
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