
377 lines
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2019-05-18 13:46:03 +08:00
$f_lg = array(
'm_forum' => "Welcome to admincp of DLE Forum",
'm_stats' => "Main forum stats",
'm_new_cat' => "Category",
'm_new_cat2' => "Create new category",
'm_new_forum' => "Forum",
'm_new_forum2' => "New forum title",
'm_content' => "Management",
'm_content2' => "Editing, list category and forums",
'm_rank' => "Rank",
'm_rank2' => "Create and edit users rank",
'm_tools' => "Settings",
'm_tools2' => "Settings of main forum function",
'm_discuss' => "Discuss",
'm_discuss2' => "Settings of button - Discuss on forum",
'm_email' => "System Messages",
'm_email2' => "Manage system messages.",
'm_service' => "Service",
'm_service2' => "Forum servise tools",
'm_usergroup' => "User group settings",
'm_usergroup2' => "Manage user group",
'm_help' => "Help",
'm_help2' => "Forum Help",
'forum_version' => "Version DLE Forum:",
'licence_info' => "Licence type:",
'forum_status' => "Forum_status:",
'forum_topic' => "Forum topics:",
'forum_posts' => "Forum Posts:",
'forum_online' => "Online",
'forum_offline' => "Offline",
'forum_db_size' => "Database size:",
'forum_files' => "Files size:",
'forum_cache' => "Cache size:",
'clear_cache' => "Clear cache",
'check_updates' => "Check for updates",
'msg_updates' => "check updates",
'no_update' => "Cannot connect to the server. Try again later.",
'cat_new' => "Create Category",
'cat_edit' => "Edit Category",
'cat_name' => "Category title",
'cat_ok_add1' => "Category was created",
'cat_ok_add2' => "Category was successfully created!",
'cat_ok_edit1' => "Category was edited",
'cat_ok_edit2' => "Category was successfully edited!",
'cat_err_name' => "Enter category title!",
'cat_button' => "Create category",
'forum_new' => "Create new forum",
'forum_mset' => "Main settings",
'forum_name' => "Forum title",
'forum_descr' => "Forum description",
'forum_cat' => "Category",
'forum_for' => "Subforum ?",
'password' => "Password",
'forum_icon' => "Forum Icon",
'forum_icon_hint' => "Icon prefix.<br />f_new_X.gif<br />f_nonew_X.gif<br />fc_new_X.gif<br />fc_nonew_X.gif<br />where X prefix.",
'forum_rules' => "Rules",
'forum_rules1' => "Title",
'forum_rules2' => "Text",
'forum_access' => "Access settings",
'forum_ok_add1' => "Forum was created",
'forum_ok_add2' => "Forum was successfully created!",
'forum_err_name' => "Enter forum title",
'forum_button' => "Create forum",
'forum_edit' => "Edit forum",
'forum_ok_edit1' => "Forum was edited",
'forum_ok_edit2' => "Forum was successfully edited!",
'java_add_forum' => "Add forum",
'java_sort' => "Sort",
'java_sort_f' => "Sort forums",
'java_edit' => "Edit",
'java_ssort' => "Subforums",
'java_access' => "Access",
'java_moderator' => "Add moderator",
'java_del' => "Delete",
'access_for_f' => "New access for all forums of this category",
'access_forum_group' => "Group",
'access_forum_mod' => "Moderation",
'access_forum_topic' => "Topic creation",
'access_forum_write' => "Topic write",
'access_forum_read' => "Topic read",
'access_forum_upload' => "Upload files",
'access_forum_download' => "Download files",
'titles_main' => "Users rank",
'titles_name' => "User rank",
'titles_pots' => "Required messages",
'titles_pips' => "Stars",
'titles_action' => "Action",
'titles_add' => "Add rank",
'titles_nname' => "Rank title",
'titles_npost' => "Minimum messages",
'titles_npips' => "Total stars",
'titles_edit' => "Edit rank",
'titles_uadd' => "Add rank to user",
'titles_uname' => "User name",
'titles_urname' => "User Rank",
'titles_error_name' => "User with this name not found!",
'button_add' => "Add",
'button_edit' => "Edit",
'button_save' => "Save",
'button_sort' => "Sort",
'error' => "Error",
'error_x' => "Full all Fields!",
'label_edit' => "edit",
'label_del' => "delete",
'db_prev' => "go back",
'tools_menu' => "Forum settings",
'tools_global' => "Forum global settings",
'tools_name' => "Forum Title:",
'tools_name_' => "Example: \"Forum DLE Files Group\"",
'tools_url' => "URL with folder of forum:",
'tools_url_' => "Example:",
'tools_mrewrite' => "Enable search engine friendly URLs?",
'tools_wysiwyg' => "Enable WYSIWYG editor",
'tools_offline' => "Disable Forum",
'tools_offline_' => "Enable or disable access to your forum.",
'tools_timestamp' => "Time zone offset:",
'tools_timestamp2' => "<a onClick=\"javascript:Help('date')\" class=main href=\"#\">help on this function</a>",
'tools_sessions' => "register sessions?",
'tools_sessions_' => "It is necessary for modules &laquo;Online&raquo;, &laquo;who view forum&raquo;, &laquo;who read topic&raquo;...",
'tools_ses_time' => "Time without any action of user",
'tools_ses_time_' => "After this time user status will be set as offline? (in minutes<65>)",
'tools_stats' => "Enable block with statistic of forum?",
'tools_online' => "Show Online?",
'tools_online_' => "shows online users.",
'tools_forum_bar' => "Enable Forumbar?",
'tools_forum_bar_' => "shows user's current location on the forum e.g. category, topic...",
'tools_show' => "Topics and messages",
'tools_topics' => "Topics limit, in list of forum",
'tools_topics_' => "Default <20> 25",
'tools_hot' => "Limit of messages in topic",
'tools_hot_' => "Default <20> 30",
'tools_posts' => "Limit of messages, per topic page",
'tools_posts_' => "Default <20> 20",
'tools_mhide' => "Number of messages to view hiden text",
'tools_mhide_' => "To view text between tags <b>[HIDE] [/HIDE]</b>.",
'tools_abc_topic' => "Maximum title simbols",
'tools_post_update' => "mix messages?",
'tools_post_update2' => "If author of last or new message is the same the new message will be mix with old message and shows like one post .",
'tools_last_plink' => "Link to last topic page",
'tools_last_plink_' => "shows link to last topic page in block last post.",
'tools_hide_forum' => "Hide forums?",
'tools_hide_forum_' => "Hide forums for for one or another group.",
'tools_topic_sort' => "Sort topics by date?",
'tools_topic_sort_' => "Topics will be sort by date of last post.",
'tools_topic_email' => "E-mail notification of new topic creation",
'tools_pr_imp' => "Pinned Topics prefix",
'tools_pr_vote' => "Topics with vote prefix",
'tools_pr_modr' => "Topics without moderation prefix",
'tools_pr_sub_f' => "Subforum prefix",
'tools_safety' => "Safety settings",
'tools_complaint' => "Disable module &laquo;Report&raquo;?",
'tools_flood' => "Flood control",
'tools_flood_' => "Number of seconds user must wait before being able to post another message.
leave empty to disable.",
'tools_search_captcha' => "Enable security code for search",
'tools_preventions' => "Warn system",
'tools_prevntn_on' => "Warn",
'tools_prevntn_on_' => "Enable warn system?",
'tools_prevntn_max' => "Maximum warns",
'tools_prevntn_max_' => "Maximun number of warn to block user.",
'tools_prevntn_group' => "Group with disable warn",
'tools_prevntn_g_show' => "Moderators",
'tools_prevntn_g_show_' => "Usergroup with access to view users warn magazine.",
'tools_prevntn_show' => "Access to user to view warn?",
'tools_prevntn_show_' => "With module enable user cant view warn status.",
'tools_prevntn_show_all' => "Acces to users to view all users warn status?",
'tools_prevntn_show_all_' => "With module enable user cant view all users warn status .",
'tools_prevntn_show_gr' => "Show warn status in group with disable warn?",
'tools_warn_day' => "Warn limit to one user",
'tools_warn_day2' => "number of warn by moderator in one day.",
'tools_modules' => "Modules tools",
'tools_mod_icq' => "ICQ status",
'tools_mod_icq_' => "module shows ICQ icon.",
'tools_mod_rank' => "Rank",
'tools_mod_rank_' => "module shows user rank by number of messages.",
'tools_subscr' => "Subscrition",
'tools_subscr_' => "after answer in topic user will receive e-mail.",
'tools_reputation' => "Reputation",
'tools_reputation_' => "Enable users reputation.",
'tools_poll' => "Poll",
'tools_poll_' => "usergroup with access to poll in topics.",
'tools_ses_forum' => "Show who view forum?",
'tools_ses_topic' => "Show who read topic?",
'tools_discuss' => "Button 'Discuss in forum'",
'tools_disc_on' => "Enable module",
'tools_disc_on_' => "Enable module &laquo;Discuss in forum&raquo;.",
'tools_disc_title' => "Topic title",
'tools_disc_title_' => "Topic title, what will be created by presing on the button.",
'tools_disc_opt_1' => "News title",
'tools_disc_opt_2' => "Title by template",
'tools_disc_t_tpl' => "Template title",
'tools_disc_t_tpl_' => "example: <b>article: {post_title}</b>",
'tools_disc_post' => "Topic Description",
'tools_disc_post_' => "Topic Description, what will be created by presing on the button.",
'tools_disc_opt_3' => "Short news",
'tools_disc_opt_4' => "Full news",
'tools_disc_opt_5' => "Template",
'tools_disc_p_tpl' => "Template of topic description",
'tools_disc_p_tpl_' => "example: <b>[url={post_link}]{post_title}[/url]</b><br />If field is fill,when wthat text will be main description.",
'tools_speed' => "Speed tools",
'tools_t_as_p' => "Created topic as user message?",
'tools_t_as_p_' => "if yes, when if user create topic it will be count as message post in user status.",
'tools_sp_num' => "Count number of messages?",
'tools_sp_num_' => "if yes, example, with deleted user topic or message will be recount number of post in user status. if no,when user messages will be count in known time.",
'tools_sp_num_date' => "messages count days",
'tools_sp_num_date_' => "example: one every day.",
'tools_new_t_day' => "Time of active topic",
'tools_new_t_day_' => "After this time without any answer in topic the topic will be old. example: 5 days.",
'tools_sp_sublast' => "Refresh forum with answer in subforums?",
'tools_sp_sublast_' => "shows last post in forum with answer in subforum.",
'tools_uploads' => "Upload files on server settings",
'tools_upload' => "Enable file uploads on server",
'tools_upload_' => "Usergroup with access to upload any file.",
'tools_upload_type' => "File types to upload",
'tools_upload_type_' => "Enter file types separated by comma.",
'tools_img_upl' => "allow to users upload images",
'tools_img_max_size' => "Maximum image size",
'tools_img_max_size_' => "Enter maximum image size in kb",
'tools_thumb_size' => "Auto resize large images:",
'tools_thumb_size_' => "Auto resize large images on upload (in Pixels).",
'tools_jpeg_quality' => "JPEG image compression:",
'tools_jpeg_quality_' => "Compression is applied to all uploaded JPEG images.",
'tools_img_width' => "Auto resize linked images",
'tools_img_width_' => "Enter maximum image size for tag [img] [/img], to disable this function enter 0.",
'tools_licence' => "Licence",
'tools_licence_key' => "Licence key",
'tools_licence_key_' => "Enter Licence key.",
'tools_copyright' => "CopyRight",
'tools_copyright2' => "Show CopyRight?",
'tools_licence_name' => "Show &laquo;Registered to...&raquo;",
'tools_licence_name_' => "Example: DLE Files Group 2008",
't_f_save' => "Settings are saved",
't_f_save1' => "Settings are successfully saved",
'mail_subscr' => "E-Mail messages settings, For sibscrition",
'mail_subscr_' => "<b>{%username_to%}</b> - Name<br /><b>{%username_from%}</b> - From<br /><b>{%topic_name%}</b> - Topic title<br /><b>{%topic_link%}</b> - Topic link<br /><b>{%topic_link_del%}</b> - Subscrition link",
'mail_frend' => "E-Mail messages settings, Send to friend",
'mail_frend_' => "<b>{%username_to%}</b> - Name<br /><b>{%username_from%}</b> - From<br /><b>{%text%}</b> - message text",
'mail_report' => "E-Mail messages settings, For reports",
'mail_report_' => "<b>{%username_from%}</b> - Name<br /><b>{%text%}</b> - message text<br /><b>{%topic_link%}</b> - topic link<br /><b>{%post_id%}</b> - message ID<br />",
'mail_new_topic' => "E-Mail messages settings, New topic created",
'mail_new_topic_' => "<b>{%username%}</b> - Topic author<br /><b>{%date%}</b> - date of creation<br /><b>{%title%}</b> - tpic title<br /><b>{%link%}</b> - topic link",
'email_ok' => "Settings are saved",
'email_ok2' => "Settings are successfully saved!",
'trial_info' => "<b>Warring!</b><br>You using not activated version of script with limits you must enter the licence key.<br>Activation of script on <a href=''></a>",
'trial_login' => "Login:",
'trial_key' => "Key:",
'trial_act' => "Activate",
'licence_trial' => "Free version",
'licence_full' => "Licence activated",
'trial_limit' => "This trial version of Dle Forum has expired.",
'group_list' => "Usergroup list",
'group_name' => "Group Name",
'group_users' => "Users",
'group_sel1' => "Edit",
'group_sel2' => "Delete",
'group_sel3' => "Cannot delete",
'group_edit' => "Edit group:",
'group_colour' => "Group color",
'group_colour_' => "Usergroup color. (example: #CC0000)",
'group_offline' => "Allow to view offline forum",
'group_post_edit' => "Can edit own posts?",
'group_post_del' => "Can delete own posts?",
'group_topic_set' => "Can open/close own topics?",
'group_topic_edit' => "Can edit own topics?",
'group_topic_del' => "Can delete own topics?",
'group_vote' => "Can poll?",
'group_flood' => "Enable Flood-control to this group?",
'group_html' => "Allow HTML in messages?",
'group_filter' => "Enable to this group word filter?",
'group_moderation' => "Moderation settings",
'group_edit_ok' => "Edit group",
'group_edit_ok2' => "Group was edited!",
'mod_edit_topic' => "Can change topics title?",
'mod_del_topic' => "Can delete topics/polls?",
'mod_edit_post' => "Can edit messages?",
'mod_del_post' => "Can delete messages",
'mod_open_topic' => "Can open topics?",
'mod_close_topic' => "Can close topics?",
'mod_move_topic' => "Can move topics?",
'mod_fixed_topic' => "Can pin topics?",
'mod_defixed_topic' => "Can unpin topics?",
'mod_warn_users' => "Can use warn user?",
'mod_multi_moderation' => "Can use multi moderation?",
'mod_search_user' => "User search",
'mod_search_name' => "Enter username:",
'mod_config_set' => "Moderation settings",
'mod_add' => "Moderator was added",
'mod_add2' => "Moderator was successfully added!",
'mod_edit_ok' => "Moderator was changed",
'mod_edit_ok2' => "Moderator was successfully changed!",
'button_search' => "Search",
'discuss_name' => "Category settings",
'discuss_cat_id' => "Category ID",
'discuss_category' => "Category",
'discuss_forum_id' => "Forum ID",
'discuss_forum' => "Forum",
'discuss_config' => "Topic description settings",
'discuss_t_text' => "Description",
'svce_full' => "(Leave empty if you want to clean all)",
'yes' => "Yes",
'no' => "No",
'button_start' => "Start",
'activation_send' => "Sending ...",
'trial_act1' => "Cannot connect to the server. Try again later.",
'trial_act2' => "Entered data not correspond to necessary.",
'trial_act3' => "Thank you! Your script was activated",
'trial_act4' => "Server fault Try again later.",
// add for 2.3 //
'tools_abc_last' => "The maximum length of the title of the topic in the block <20>Last Post<73>",
'tools_abc_last1' => "The maximum permitted length of the title of the topic in the block <20>Last Post<73>",
'tools_topic_captcha' => "Security code for a new topic",
'tools_topic_captcha1' => "User groups to which you want to include security code (CAPTCHA). You can select more than one group.",
'tools_post_captcha' => "Security code for new posts",
'tools_post_captcha1' => "User groups to which you want to include security code (CAPTCHA). You can select more than one group.",
'rep_edit_group' => "Moderators reputation",
'rep_edit_group2' => "Groups of users who may log Moderate reputation. You can select more than one group.",
'tools_post_maxlen' => "The maximum number of characters in the message",
'tools_post_maxlen2' => "Specify the maximum number of characters that can polzvatel to use when writing messages in the forum",
'tools_auto_wrap' => "Automatic distribution of long words",
'tools_auto_wrap2' => "In case of exceeding a specified number of characters",