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2019-05-18 13:46:03 +08:00
DLE Forum - by DLE Files Group
File: poll.php
Copyright (c) 2008,2010 DLE Files Group
include 'init.php';
function votes ($all, $ansid) {
$data = array();
$alldata = array();
if ($all !="") {
$all = explode("|", $all);
foreach ($all as $vote) {
list($answerid, $answervalue) = explode(":", $vote);
$data[$answerid] = intval($answervalue);
foreach ($ansid as $id) {
$data[$id] ++;
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$alldata[] = intval($key).":".intval($value);
$alldata = implode("|", $alldata);
return $alldata;
function get_votes ($all) {
$data = array();
if ($all != "") {
$all = explode("|", $all);
foreach ($all as $vote) {
list($answerid, $answervalue) = explode(":", $vote);
$data[$answerid] = intval($answervalue);
return $data;
$topic_id = intval($_REQUEST['topic_id']);
$answers = explode(" ", trim($_REQUEST['answer']));
$buffer = "";
$vote_skin = strip_tags($_REQUEST['vote_skin']);
$_IP = $db->safesql($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
if ($is_logged)
$log_id = intval($member_id['user_id']);
$log_id = $_IP;
$poll = $db->super_query("SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "_forum_topics WHERE tid = '{$topic_id}'");
$log = $db->super_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM " . PREFIX . "_forum_poll_log WHERE topic_id = '{$topic_id}' AND member ='{$log_id}'");
if ($log['count'] AND $_REQUEST['action'] != "list") $_REQUEST['action'] = "results";
$votes = "";
if ($_REQUEST['action'] == "vote") {
$votes = votes ($poll['answer'], $answers);
$db->query("UPDATE ".PREFIX."_forum_topics set answer='$votes', poll_count=poll_count+".count($answers)." WHERE tid = '{$topic_id}'");
$db->query("INSERT INTO ".PREFIX."_forum_poll_log (topic_id, member) VALUES('{$topic_id}', '$log_id')");
$_REQUEST['action'] = "results";
if ($_REQUEST['action'] == "results") {
if ($votes == "") {$votes = $poll['answer']; $allcount = $poll['poll_count'];} else { $allcount = count($answers) + $poll['poll_count']; }
$answer = get_votes ($votes);
$body = explode("<br />", stripslashes($poll['poll_body']));
$pn = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($body); $i++) {
$num = $answer[$i];
if (!$num) $num = 0;
++$pn; if ($pn > 5) $pn = 1;
if ($allcount != 0) $proc = (100 * $num) / $allcount;
else $proc = 0;
$proc = round($proc, 0);
$buffer .= <<<HTML
{$body[$i]} - {$num} ({$proc}%)<br />
<img src="{$config['http_home_url']}templates/{$vote_skin}/images/poll{$pn}.gif" height="10" width="{$proc}%" style="border:1px solid black"><br />
elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == "list") {
$body = explode("<br />", stripslashes($poll['poll_body']));
if (!$poll['multiple']){
for ($v = 0; $v < sizeof($body); $v++) {
if (!$v) $sel = "checked"; else $sel = "";
$buffer .= <<<HTML
<div><input name="dle_poll_votes" id="dle_poll_votes" type="radio" $sel value="{$v}"><label for="dle_poll_votes">{$body[$v]}</label></div>
} else {
for ($v = 0; $v < sizeof($body); $v++) {
$buffer .= <<<HTML
<div><input name="dle_poll_votes[]" id="dle_poll_votes" type="checkbox" value="{$v}"><label for="dle_poll_votes">{$body[$v]}</label></div>
} else die("error");
@header("Content-type: text/css; charset=".$config['charset']);
echo $buffer;