safesql($_COOKIE['dle_forum_sessions']); $ip = $db->safesql($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); if (!$id) { $id = session_id(); } $browser = $db->safesql($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $member_name = $member_id['name']; $BOT_AGENT = array( 'Googlebot' => "Google Bot", 'Mediapartners' => "Google MP", 'msnbot' => "MSN Bot", 'yahoo' => "Yahoo Bot", 'yandex' => "Yandex Bot", 'rambler' => "Rambler Bot", 'aport' => "Aport Bot", 'webalta' => "WebAlta Bot", ); if (intval($member_id['user_group']) == "0"){ $member_id['user_group'] = "5"; } if ($member_id['user_group'] == "5" and $forum_config['bot_agent']) { foreach ($BOT_AGENT as $bot => $bot_name) { if ( stristr ($browser, $bot) ) { $member_name = $bot_name; $id = md5 ($bot); break; } } } $time = time(); $stime = time() - ($forum_config['session_time'] * 60); if ($id) { $row = $db->super_query("SELECT id FROM " . PREFIX . "_forum_sessions WHERE id = '$id' AND ip = '$ip'"); } if (!$row['id']) { set_cookie ('dle_forum_sessions', session_id(), 365); $where_mn = $member_name ? " OR member_name = '$member_name'" : ""; $db->query("DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_forum_sessions WHERE running_time < '$stime' OR id = '$id'".$where_mn); $db->query("INSERT INTO " . PREFIX . "_forum_sessions (id, member_name, member_id, user_group, ip, browser, running_time, location, act_forum, act_topic) VALUES ('$id', '$member_name', '$member_id[user_id]', '$member_id[user_group]', '$ip', '$browser', '$time', '$act', '$act_forum', '$act_topic')"); } else { $db->query("UPDATE " . PREFIX . "_forum_sessions SET member_name = '$member_name', member_id = '$member_id[user_id]', user_group = '$member_id[user_group]', running_time = '$time', location = '$act', act_forum = '$act_forum', act_topic = '$act_topic' WHERE id = '$id'"); } } // ******************************************************************************** // FORUM Online // ******************************************************************************** function get_forum_online ($type = false, $value = false) { global $db, $forum_config, $user_group, $forum_online; $stime = time() - ($forum_config['session_time'] * 60); if ($type and $value) { $WHERE = "".$type." = '$value' and"; } $sessions = $db->query("SELECT member_name, user_group FROM " . PREFIX . "_forum_sessions WHERE {$WHERE} running_time > '$stime'"); $forum_online['member_count'] = 0; $forum_online['guest_count'] = 0; while ($row = $db->get_row($sessions)) { $forum_online['all_count']++; if ($row['member_name'] AND $row['user_group'] !== "5") { $forum_online['member_count']++; $symbol_count++; if ($symbol_count > 1) $symbol = ", "; $group_span = $user_group[$row['user_group']]['colour']; $forum_online['member_list'] .= $symbol.link_user($row['member_name'], "".$row['member_name'].""); } else { $forum_online['guest_count']++; if ($row['member_name']) { $symbol_count++; if ($symbol_count > 1) $symbol = ", "; $forum_online['member_list'] .= $symbol . $row['member_name']; } } } if ($forum_online['all_count'] > $forum_config['_max_online_']) { global $fcache; $max_online = array ('count' => $forum_online['all_count'], 'time' => $GLOBALS['_TIME']); $fcache->set('online', $max_online); $fcache->delete('stats'); } } // ******************************************************************************** // SHOW DATE // ******************************************************************************** function show_date ($date) { global $f_lang, $forum_config, $_TIME; if (date(Ymd, $date) == date(Ymd, $_TIME)) { $show_date = $f_lang['time_heute'].langdate(", H:i", $date); } elseif (date(Ymd, $date) == date(Ymd, ($_TIME - 86400))) { $show_date = $f_lang['time_gestern'].langdate(", H:i", $date); } else { $show_date = langdate($forum_config['timestamp'], $date); } return ($show_date); } // ******************************************************************************** // FORUM STATUS // ******************************************************************************** function forum_status ($last_date, $close = false, $icon = false) { global $member_id, $lasttime, $f_lang; $last_date = strtotime($last_date); if ($icon) { $icon = "_".$icon; } if ($last_date > $lasttime) { if (!$close) { $image = "f_new{$icon}.gif"; $alt = $f_lang['fs_new']; } else { $image = "fc_new{$icon}.gif"; $alt = $f_lang['fs_new']; } } else { if (!$close) { $image = "f_nonew{$icon}.gif"; $alt = $f_lang['fs_nonew']; } else { $image = "fc_nonew{$icon}.gif"; $alt = $f_lang['fs_nonew']; } } $topic_info = "$alt"; return($topic_info); } // ******************************************************************************** // FORUM LAST // ******************************************************************************** function forum_last ($topic_id, $title, $last_user, $last_date, $password = false, $fid = false, $access_read = false, $last_pid = 0) { global $forum_config, $f_lang, $_TIME, $member_id; $title = stripslashes($title); $last_date = strtotime($last_date); $last_date_info = show_date($last_date); $h_title = $f_lang['topic_last_p'].' 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'.link_user($last_user); if (!$last_user or !$last_date){ $last_date_info = $f_lang['fl_nopost']; } return($last_date_info); } // ******************************************************************************** // TOPIC STATUS // ******************************************************************************** function topic_status ($topic_id, $last_date, $post, $topic_status, $frage) { global $topic_views, $forum_config, $member_id, $f_lang, $topic_a_time; $last_date = strtotime($last_date); if ($last_date > $topic_a_time AND $last_date > $member_id['forum_time']) $topic_views_time = 1; if ($post >= $forum_config['topic_hot']) $topic_hot = 1; if (!$topic_views[$topic_id] AND $topic_views_time) { $image = 'topic.gif'; $alt = $f_lang['topic_yes']; if ($topic_hot) $image = 'hot_topic.gif'; $alt = $f_lang['topic_yes']; if ($frage) $image = 'dlet_poll.gif'; $alt = $f_lang['topic_yes']; } else { $image = 'new_topic.gif'; $alt = $f_lang['topic_no']; if ($topic_hot) $image = 'hot_topic_no.gif'; $alt = $f_lang['topic_no']; if ($frage) $image = 'dlet_poll_no.gif'; $alt = $f_lang['topic_no']; } if ($topic_status == 1){$image = 'dlet_closed.gif'; $alt = $f_lang['topic_closed'];} return ("$alt"); } // ******************************************************************************** // TOPIC LAST // ******************************************************************************** function topic_last ($topic_id, $last_user, $last_date, $posts, $last_pid = 0) { global $forum_config, $f_lang, $_TIME; $last_date = strtotime($last_date); $last_date_info = show_date($last_date); if ($forum_config['last_plink']) { $last_page = @ceil(($posts + 1) / $forum_config['post_inpage']); if (!$last_page) $last_page = 1; if ($forum_config['mod_rewrite']) { $p_sn = '/'; } else { $p_sn = '&cstart='; } $last_date_info .= "
".link_topic($topic_id . $p_sn . $last_page . "#post-{$last_pid}", $f_lang['last_post'])." ".link_user($last_user)."
"; } else { $last_date_info .= "
{$f_lang['last_post']} ".link_user($last_user)."
"; } if (!$last_user or !$last_date){$last_date_info = $f_lang['fl_nopost'];} return($last_date_info); } // ******************************************************************************** // CHECK ACCESS // ******************************************************************************** function check_access ($value = false) { global $member_id; $value = explode(":", $value); $check = in_array($member_id['user_group'], $value); if ($check) return true; else return false; } // ******************************************************************************** // CHECK MODERATOR // ******************************************************************************** function check_moderator($value, $moderators) { global $member_id, $m_member; $value = explode(":", $value); $check = in_array($member_id['user_group'], $value); if (!$check and $moderators) { $moderators = explode(":", $moderators); $check = in_array($member_id['user_id'], $moderators); $m_member = true; } if ($check) return true; else return false; } // ******************************************************************************** // MODERATOR VALUE // ******************************************************************************** function moderator_value($value, $forum_id, $m_member = false) { global $member_id, $forum_moderators; if ($forum_moderators == "a:0:{}") return false; if ($forum_moderators) { if ($m_member) { $search = 'member_id'; $search_value = $member_id['user_id']; } else { $search = 'group_id'; $forum_id = '0'; $search_value = $member_id['user_group']; } foreach ($forum_moderators as $key => $val) { if ($forum_moderators[$key]['forum_id'] == $forum_id) { if ($forum_moderators[$key][$search] == $search_value) { if ($forum_moderators[$key][$value]) { return true; } } } } } return false; } // ******************************************************************************** // IS MODERATION // ******************************************************************************** function is_moderation($forum_id = 0, $topic_id = 0, $post_id = 0, $value = '') { global $db, $member_id, $user_group, $m_member, $is_mod; //$forum_id $forum_id = intval($forum_id); $topic_id = intval($topic_id); $post_id = intval($post_id); if ($post_id) { $get_post = $db->super_query("SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "_forum_posts WHERE pid = '$post_id'"); $topic_id = $get_post['topic_id']; $is_mod['topic_id'] = $get_post['topic_id']; $is_mod['author'] = $get_post['post_author']; if ($member_id['name'] == $get_post['post_author'] AND $user_group[$member_id['user_group']][$value] AND !$get_post['hidden']) { return true; $topic_id = false; } } if ($topic_id) { if (!$forum_id) { $get_topic = $db->super_query("SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "_forum_topics WHERE tid = '$topic_id'"); if ($get_topic['tid'] != $topic_id) return false; $forum_id = $get_topic['forum_id']; } $is_mod['forum_id'] = $get_topic['forum_id']; $get_forum = $db->super_query("SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "_forum_forums WHERE id = '$forum_id'"); if (check_moderator($get_forum['access_mod'], $get_forum['moderators'])) { return true; } } if (!$post_id and !$topic_id) { $get_forum = $db->super_query("SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "_forum_forums WHERE id = '$forum_id'"); if (check_moderator($get_forum['access_mod'], $get_forum['moderators'])) { return true; } } return false; } // ******************************************************************************** // GROUP MODERATION // ******************************************************************************** function group_moderation ($topic_id = 0, $value = false) { global $db, $member_id, $user_group; if (intval($topic_id)) { $row = $db->super_query("SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "_forum_topics WHERE tid = '$topic_id'"); if ($member_id['name'] == $row['author_topic']) { foreach ($user_group as $key => $val) { if ($user_group[$key]['id'] == $member_id['user_group']) { if ($user_group[$key][$value]) { return true; } } } } } return false; } // ******************************************************************************** // FORUM MSG // ******************************************************************************** function forum_msg($title, $msg_text, $tpl_found = false, $tpl_set = false) { global $tpl, $tpl_dir; $tpl->load_template($tpl_dir.'msg.tpl'); $tpl->set('{title}', $title); $tpl->set('{msg}', $msg_text); if ($tpl_found) { $tpl->set("{".$tpl_found."}", $tpl_set); } $tpl->compile('dle_forum'); $tpl->clear(); } // ******************************************************************************** // Get Salt // ******************************************************************************** function get_salt() { $salt = "abchefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; srand((double)microtime()*1000000); for($i=0;$i < 9; $i++) { $key_salt .= $salt{rand(0,33)}; } return ($key_salt); } // ******************************************************************************** // Strip Data // ******************************************************************************** function strip_data ($text) { $quotes = array( "\x27", "\x22", "\x60", "\t","\n","\r","'",",","/","\\","¬",";",":","@","~","[","]","{","}","=",")","(","*","&","^","%","$","<",">","?","!", '"' ); $text = trim(strip_tags ($text)); $text = str_replace($quotes, '', $text); return $text; } // ******************************************************************************** // hilites // ******************************************************************************** function hilites ($search, $txt) { $r = preg_split('((>)|(<))', $txt, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); for ($i = 0; $i < count($r); $i++) { if ($r[$i] == "<") { $i++; continue; } $r[$i] = preg_replace("#($search)#i", "\\1", $r[$i]); } return join("", $r); } // ******************************************************************************** // FORUM LIST // ******************************************************************************** function forum_list(){ global $db; $select_list = ""; return ($select_list); } // ******************************************************************************** // CHECK ATTACHMENT // ******************************************************************************** function check_attachment($post_id, $sources) { global $db; $post_id = intval($post_id); if (!$post_id OR !$sources) return false; $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "_forum_files WHERE post_id = '$post_id'"); while ($row = $db->get_row($query)) { if (stristr($sources, "[attachment={$row['file_id']}]") OR stristr($sources, "/forum/files/{$row['onserver']}")) { $file_attach_y[] = $row['file_id']; } else { $file_attach_n[] = $row['file_id']; } } if ($file_attach_y) { $update_list_y = implode(',', $file_attach_y); $db->query("UPDATE " . PREFIX . "_forum_files SET file_attach = '1' WHERE file_id IN ({$update_list_y})"); } if ($file_attach_n) { $update_list_n = implode(',', $file_attach_n); $db->query("UPDATE " . PREFIX . "_forum_files SET file_attach = '0' WHERE file_id IN ({$update_list_n})"); } } // ******************************************************************************** // File Type // ******************************************************************************** function file_type($name) { $type = explode ('.', $name); $type = end ($type); return ($type); } // ******************************************************************************** // Auto Wrap // ******************************************************************************** function auto_wrap($post) { global $forum_config; if (!$forum_config['auto_wrap']) return $post; $post = preg_split('((>)|(<))', $post, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); $n = count($post); for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { if ($post[$i] == "<") { $i++; continue; } $post[$i] = preg_replace("#([^\s\n\r]{".intval($forum_config['auto_wrap'])."})#i", "\\1
", $post[$i]); } $post = join("", $post); return $post; } // ******************************************************************************** // Forum Metatags // ******************************************************************************** function forum_metatags($story) { global $db; $keyword_count = 20; $newarr = array (); $headers = array (); $quotes = array ("\x27", "\x22", "\x60", "\t", '\n', '\r', "\n", "\r", '\\', "'", ",", ".", "/", "¬", "#", ";", ":", "@", "~", "[", "]", "{", "}", "=", "-", "+", ")", "(", "*", "&", "^", "%", "$", "<", ">", "?", "!", '"' ); $fastquotes = array ("\x27", "\x22", "\x60", "\t", "\n", "\r", '"', "'", '\r', '\n', "/", "\\", "{", "}", "[", "]" ); $story = preg_replace( "'\[hide\](.*?)\[/hide\]'si", "", $story ); $story = preg_replace( "'\[attachment=(.*?)\]'si", "", $story ); $story = str_replace( '
', ' ', $story ); $story = trim( strip_tags( $story ) ); $story = str_replace( $fastquotes, '', $story ); $headers['description'] = $db->safesql( substr( $story, 0, 190 ) ); $story = str_replace( $quotes, '', $story ); $arr = explode( " ", $story ); foreach ( $arr as $word ) { if( strlen( $word ) > 4 ) $newarr[] = $word; } $arr = array_count_values( $newarr ); arsort( $arr ); $arr = array_keys( $arr ); $total = count( $arr ); $offset = 0; $arr = array_slice( $arr, $offset, $keyword_count ); $headers['keywords'] = $db->safesql( implode( ", ", $arr ) ); return $headers; } function set_first_post_id ($tid, $pid = 0) { global $db; $tid = intval($tid); if (!$pid) { $row = $db->super_query("SELECT pid FROM " . PREFIX . "_forum_posts WHERE topic_id = $tid"); $pid = $row['pid']; } $db->query("UPDATE " . PREFIX . "_forum_topics SET first_post = '$pid', last_post_id = '$pid' WHERE tid = '$tid'"); return $pid; } function calk_topic_del ($topic_id, $del_count = 0, $act = '-') { global $db, $forum_config; if (!$topic_id) return false; $row = $db->super_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM " . PREFIX . "_forum_posts WHERE topic_id = $topic_id"); if (!$forum_config['set_topic_post']) $row['count'] = ($row['count'] - 1); $new_result = $db->super_query("SELECT * FROM ". PREFIX ."_forum_posts WHERE topic_id = $topic_id ORDER by post_date DESC"); $db->query("UPDATE " . PREFIX . "_forum_topics SET post = '{$row['count']}', last_date = '$new_result[post_date]', last_poster_name = '$new_result[post_author]' WHERE tid = $topic_id"); $row2 = $db->super_query("SELECT forum_id FROM " . PREFIX . "_forum_topics WHERE tid = $topic_id"); $new_f_r = $db->super_query("SELECT * FROM ". PREFIX ."_forum_topics WHERE forum_id = {$row2['forum_id']} ORDER by last_date DESC"); if ($del_count) { $db->query("UPDATE " . PREFIX . "_forum_forums SET posts = posts{$act}{$del_count}, f_last_date = '$new_f_r[last_date]', f_last_poster_name = '$new_f_r[last_poster_name]' WHERE id = {$row2['forum_id']}"); } return true; } ?>