4096 ) return self::set_error( new Exception( 'Invalid piece lenth, must be between 32 and 4096' ) ); if ( is_string( $meta ) ) $meta = array( 'announce' => $meta ); if ( $this->build( $data, $piece_length * 1024 ) ) $this->touch(); else $meta = array_merge( $meta, $this->decode( $data ) ); foreach( $meta as $key => $value ) $this->{$key} = $value; } public function __toString() { return $this->encode( $this ); } public function error() { return empty( self::$_errors ) ? false : self::$_errors[0]->getMessage(); } public function errors() { return empty( self::$_errors ) ? false : self::$_errors; } public function announce ( $announce = null ) { if ( is_null( $announce ) ) return ! isset( $this->{'announce-list'} ) ? isset( $this->announce ) ? $this->announce : null : $this->{'announce-list'}; $this->touch(); if ( is_string( $announce ) && isset( $this->announce ) ) return $this->{'announce-list'} = self::announce_list( isset( $this->{'announce-list'} ) ? $this->{'announce-list'} : $this->announce, $announce ); unset( $this->{'announce-list'} ); if ( is_array( $announce ) || is_object( $announce ) ) if ( ( $this->announce = self::first_announce( $announce ) ) && count( $announce ) > 1 ) return $this->{'announce-list'} = self::announce_list( $announce ); else return $this->announce; if ( ! isset( $this->announce ) && $announce ) return $this->announce = (string) $announce; unset( $this->announce ); } public function comment ( $comment = null ) { return is_null( $comment ) ? isset( $this->comment ) ? $this->comment : null : $this->touch( $this->comment = (string) $comment ); } public function name ( $name = null ) { return is_null( $name ) ? isset( $this->info['name'] ) ? $this->info['name'] : null : $this->touch( $this->info['name'] = (string) $name ); } public function is_private ( $private = null ) { return is_null( $private ) ? ! empty( $this->info['private'] ) : $this->touch( $this->info['private'] = $private ? 1 : 0 ); } public function url_list ( $urls = null ) { return is_null( $urls ) ? isset( $this->{'url-list'} ) ? $this->{'url-list'} : null : $this->touch( $this->{'url-list'} = is_string( $urls) ? $urls : (array) $urls ); } public function httpseeds ( $urls = null ) { return is_null( $urls ) ? isset( $this->httpseeds ) ? $this->httpseeds : null : $this->touch( $this->httpseeds = (array) $urls ); } public function piece_length () { return isset( $this->info['piece length'] ) ? $this->info['piece length'] : null; } public function hash_info () { return isset( $this->info ) ? sha1( self::encode( $this->info ) ) : null; } public function content ( $precision = null ) { $files = array(); if ( isset( $this->info['files'] ) && is_array( $this->info['files'] ) ) foreach ( $this->info['files'] as $file ) $files[self::path( $file['path'], $this->info['name'] )] = $precision ? self::format( $file['length'], $precision ) : $file['length']; elseif ( isset( $this->info['name'] ) ) $files[$this->info['name']] = $precision ? self::format( $this->info['length'], $precision ) : $this->info['length']; return $files; } public function offset () { $files = array(); $size = 0; if ( isset( $this->info['files'] ) && is_array( $this->info['files'] ) ) foreach ( $this->info['files'] as $file ) $files[self::path( $file['path'], $this->info['name'] )] = array( 'startpiece' => floor( $size / $this->info['piece length'] ), 'offset' => fmod( $size, $this->info['piece length'] ), 'size' => $size += $file['length'], 'endpiece' => floor( $size / $this->info['piece length'] ) ); elseif ( isset( $this->info['name'] ) ) $files[$this->info['name']] = array( 'startpiece' => 0, 'offset' => 0, 'size' => $this->info['length'], 'endpiece' => floor( $this->info['length'] / $this->info['piece length'] ) ); return $files; } public function size ( $precision = null ) { $size = 0; if ( isset( $this->info['files'] ) && is_array( $this->info['files'] ) ) foreach ( $this->info['files'] as $file ) $size += $file['length']; elseif ( isset( $this->info['name'] ) ) $size = $this->info['length']; return is_null( $precision ) ? $size : self::format( $size, $precision ); } public function scrape ( $announce = null, $hash_info = null, $timeout = self::timeout ) { $packed_hash = urlencode( pack('H*', $hash_info ? $hash_info : $this->hash_info() ) ); $handles = $scrape = array(); if ( ! function_exists( 'curl_multi_init' ) ) return self::set_error( new Exception( 'Install CURL with "curl_multi_init" enabled' ) ); $curl = curl_multi_init(); foreach ( (array) ($announce ? $announce : $this->announce()) as $tier ) foreach ( (array) $tier as $tracker ) { $tracker = str_ireplace( array( 'udp://', '/announce', ':80/' ), array( 'http://', '/scrape', '/' ), $tracker ); if ( isset( $handles[$tracker] ) ) continue; $handles[$tracker] = curl_init( $tracker . '?info_hash=' . $packed_hash ); curl_setopt( $handles[$tracker], CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true ); curl_setopt( $handles[$tracker], CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $timeout ); curl_multi_add_handle( $curl, $handles[$tracker] ); } do { while ( ( $state = curl_multi_exec( $curl, $running ) ) == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM ); if( $state != CURLM_OK ) continue; while ( $done = curl_multi_info_read( $curl ) ) { $info = curl_getinfo( $done['handle'] ); $tracker = explode( '?', $info['url'], 2 ); $tracker = array_shift( $tracker ); if ( empty( $info['http_code'] ) ) { $scrape[$tracker] = self::set_error( new Exception( 'Tracker request timeout (' . $timeout . 's)' ), true ); continue; } elseif ( $info['http_code'] != 200 ) { $scrape[$tracker] = self::set_error( new Exception( 'Tracker request failed (' . $info['http_code'] . ' code)' ), true ); continue; } $data = curl_multi_getcontent( $done['handle'] ); $stats = self::decode_data( $data ); curl_multi_remove_handle( $curl, $done['handle'] ); $scrape[$tracker] = empty( $stats['files'] ) ? self::set_error( new Exception( 'Empty scrape data' ), true ) : array_shift( $stats['files'] ) + ( empty( $stats['flags'] ) ? array() : $stats['flags'] ); } } while ( $running ); curl_multi_close( $curl ); return $scrape; } public function save ( $filename = null ) { return file_put_contents( is_null( $filename ) ? $this->info['name'] . '.torrent' : $filename, $this->encode( $this ) ); } public function send ( $filename = null ) { $data = $this->encode( $this ); header( 'Content-type: application/x-bittorrent' ); header( 'Content-Length: ' . strlen( $data ) ); header( 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="[files-sib.net]' . ( is_null( $filename ) ? $this->info['name'] . '.torrent' : $filename ) . '"' ); exit( $data ); } public function magnet ( $html = true ) { $ampersand = $html ? '&' : '&'; return sprintf( 'magnet:?xt=urn:btih:%2$s%1$sdn=%3$s%1$sxl=%4$d%1$str=%5$s', $ampersand, $this->hash_info(), urlencode( $this->name() ), $this->size(), implode( $ampersand .'tr=', self::untier( $this->announce() ) ) ); } static public function encode ( $mixed ) { switch ( gettype( $mixed ) ) { case 'integer': case 'double': return self::encode_integer( $mixed ); case 'object': $mixed = get_object_vars( $mixed ); case 'array': return self::encode_array( $mixed ); default: return self::encode_string( (string) $mixed ); } } static private function encode_string ( $string ) { return strlen( $string ) . ':' . $string; } static private function encode_integer ( $integer ) { return 'i' . $integer . 'e'; } static private function encode_array ( $array ) { if ( self::is_list( $array ) ) { $return = 'l'; foreach ( $array as $value ) $return .= self::encode( $value ); } else { ksort( $array, SORT_STRING ); $return = 'd'; foreach ( $array as $key => $value ) $return .= self::encode( strval( $key ) ) . self::encode( $value ); } return $return . 'e'; } static protected function decode ( $string ) { $data = is_file( $string ) || self::url_exists( $string ) ? self::file_get_contents( $string ) : $string; return (array) self::decode_data( $data ); } static private function decode_data ( & $data ) { switch( self::char( $data ) ) { case 'i': $data = substr( $data, 1 ); return self::decode_integer( $data ); case 'l': $data = substr( $data, 1 ); return self::decode_list( $data ); case 'd': $data = substr( $data, 1 ); return self::decode_dictionary( $data ); default: return self::decode_string( $data ); } } static private function decode_dictionary ( & $data ) { $dictionary = array(); $previous = null; while ( ( $char = self::char( $data ) ) != 'e' ) { if ( $char === false ) return self::set_error( new Exception( 'Unterminated dictionary' ) ); if ( ! ctype_digit( $char ) ) return self::set_error( new Exception( 'Invalid dictionary key' ) ); $key = self::decode_string( $data ); if ( isset( $dictionary[$key] ) ) return self::set_error( new Exception( 'Duplicate dictionary key' ) ); if ( $key < $previous ) return self::set_error( new Exception( 'Missorted dictionary key' ) ); $dictionary[$key] = self::decode_data( $data ); $previous = $key; } $data = substr( $data, 1 ); return $dictionary; } static private function decode_list ( & $data ) { $list = array(); while ( ( $char = self::char( $data ) ) != 'e' ) { if ( $char === false ) return self::set_error( new Exception( 'Unterminated list' ) ); $list[] = self::decode_data( $data ); } $data = substr( $data, 1 ); return $list; } static private function decode_string ( & $data ) { if ( self::char( $data ) === '0' && substr( $data, 1, 1 ) != ':' ) self::set_error( new Exception( 'Invalid string length, leading zero' ) ); if ( ! $colon = @strpos( $data, ':' ) ) return self::set_error( new Exception( 'Invalid string length, colon not found' ) ); $length = intval( substr( $data, 0, $colon ) ); if ( $length + $colon + 1 > strlen( $data ) ) return self::set_error( new Exception( 'Invalid string, input too short for string length' ) ); $string = substr( $data, $colon + 1, $length ); $data = substr( $data, $colon + $length + 1 ); return $string; } static private function decode_integer ( & $data ) { $start = 0; $end = strpos( $data, 'e'); if ( $end === 0 ) self::set_error( new Exception( 'Empty integer' ) ); if ( self::char( $data ) == '-' ) $start++; if ( substr( $data, $start, 1 ) == '0' && $end > $start + 1 ) self::set_error( new Exception( 'Leading zero in integer' ) ); if ( ! ctype_digit( substr( $data, $start, $start ? $end - 1 : $end ) ) ) self::set_error( new Exception( 'Non-digit characters in integer' ) ); $integer = substr( $data, 0, $end ); $data = substr( $data, $end + 1 ); return 0 + $integer; } protected function build ( $data, $piece_length ) { if ( is_null( $data ) ) return false; elseif ( is_array( $data ) && self::is_list( $data ) ) return $this->info = $this->files( $data, $piece_length ); elseif ( is_dir( $data ) ) return $this->info = $this->folder( $data, $piece_length ); elseif ( ( is_file( $data ) || self::url_exists( $data ) ) && ! self::is_torrent( $data ) ) return $this->info = $this->file( $data, $piece_length ); else return false; } protected function touch ( $void = null ) { $this->{'created by'} = 'Files-Sib.NET Tracker'; $this->{'creation date'} = time(); return $void; } static protected function set_error ( $exception, $message = false ) { return ( array_unshift( self::$_errors, $exception ) && $message ) ? $exception->getMessage() : false; } static protected function announce_list( $announce, $merge = array() ) { return array_map( create_function( '$a', 'return (array) $a;' ), array_merge( (array) $announce, (array) $merge ) ); } static protected function first_announce( $announce ) { while ( is_array( $announce ) ) $announce = reset( $announce ); return $announce; } static protected function pack ( & $data ) { return pack('H*', sha1( $data ) ) . ( $data = null ); } static protected function path ( $path, $folder ) { array_unshift( $path, $folder ); return join( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path ); } static protected function is_list ( $array ) { foreach ( array_keys( $array ) as $key ) if ( ! is_int( $key ) ) return false; return true; } private function pieces ( $handle, $piece_length, $last = true ) { static $piece, $length; if ( empty( $length ) ) $length = $piece_length; $pieces = null; while ( ! feof( $handle ) ) { if ( ( $length = strlen( $piece .= fread( $handle, $length ) ) ) == $piece_length ) $pieces .= self::pack( $piece ); elseif ( ( $length = $piece_length - $length ) < 0 ) return self::set_error( new Exception( 'Invalid piece length!' ) ); } fclose( $handle ); return $pieces . ( $last && $piece ? self::pack( $piece ) : null); } private function file ( $file, $piece_length ) { if ( ! $handle = self::fopen( $file, $size = self::filesize( $file ) ) ) return self::set_error( new Exception( 'Failed to open file: "' . $file . '"' ) ); if ( self::is_url( $file ) ) $this->url_list( $file ); $path = explode( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $file ); return array( 'length' => $size, 'name' => end( $path ), 'piece length' => $piece_length, 'pieces' => $this->pieces( $handle, $piece_length ) ); } private function files ( $files, $piece_length ) { if ( ! self::is_url( current( $files ) ) ) $files = array_map( 'realpath', $files ); sort( $files ); usort( $files, create_function( '$a,$b', 'return strrpos($a,DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)-strrpos($b,DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);' ) ); $first = current( $files ); $root = dirname( $first ); if ( $url = self::is_url( $first ) ) $this->url_list( dirname( $root ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ); $path = explode( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, dirname( $url ? $first : realpath( $first ) ) ); $pieces = null; $info_files = array(); $count = count( $files ) - 1; foreach ( $files as $i => $file ) { if ( $path != array_intersect_assoc( $file_path = explode( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $file ), $path ) ) { self::set_error( new Exception( 'Files must be in the same folder: "' . $file . '" discarded' ) ); continue; } if ( ! $handle = self::fopen( $file, $filesize = self::filesize( $file ) ) ) { self::set_error( new Exception( 'Failed to open file: "' . $file . '" discarded' ) ); continue; } $pieces .= $this->pieces( $handle, $piece_length, $count == $i ); $info_files[] = array( 'length' => $filesize, 'path' => array_diff( $file_path, $path ) ); } return array( 'files' => $info_files, 'name' => end( $path ), 'piece length' => $piece_length, 'pieces' => $pieces ); } private function folder ( $dir, $piece_length ) { return $this->files( self::scandir( $dir ), $piece_length ); } static private function char ( $data ) { return empty( $data ) ? false : substr( $data, 0, 1 ); } static public function format ( $size, $precision = 2 ) { $units = array ('octets', 'Kb', 'Mb', 'Gb', 'Tb'); while( ( $next = next( $units ) ) && $size > 1024 ) $size /= 1024; return round( $size, $precision ) . ' ' . ( $next ? prev( $units ) : end( $units ) ); } static public function filesize ( $file ) { if ( is_file( $file ) ) return (double) sprintf( '%u', @filesize( $file ) ); else if ( $content_length = preg_grep( $pattern = '#^Content-Length:\s+(\d+)$#i', (array) @get_headers( $file ) ) ) return (int) preg_replace( $pattern, '$1', reset( $content_length ) ); } static public function fopen ( $file, $size = null ) { if ( ( is_null( $size ) ? self::filesize( $file ) : $size ) <= 2 * pow( 1024, 3 ) ) return fopen( $file, 'r' ); elseif ( PHP_OS != 'Linux' ) return self::set_error( new Exception( 'File size is greater than 2GB. This is only supported under Linux' ) ); elseif ( ! is_readable( $file ) ) return false; else return popen( 'cat ' . escapeshellarg( realpath( $file ) ), 'r' ); } static public function scandir ( $dir ) { $paths = array(); foreach ( scandir( $dir ) as $item ) if ( $item != '.' && $item != '..' ) if ( is_dir( $path = realpath( $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $item ) ) ) $paths = array_merge( self::scandir( $path ), $paths ); else $paths[] = $path; return $paths; } static public function is_url ( $url ) { return preg_match( '#^http(s)?://[a-z0-9-]+(.[a-z0-9-]+)*(:[0-9]+)?(/.*)?$#i', $url ); } static public function url_exists ( $url ) { return self::is_url( $url ) ? (bool) self::filesize ( $url ) : false; } static public function is_torrent ( $file, $timeout = self::timeout ) { return ( $start = self::file_get_contents( $file, $timeout, 0, 11 ) ) && $start === 'd8:announce' || $start === 'd10:created'; } static public function file_get_contents ( $file, $timeout = self::timeout, $offset = null, $length = null ) { if ( is_file( $file ) || ini_get( 'allow_url_fopen' ) ) { $context = ! is_file( $file ) && $timeout ? stream_context_create( array( 'http' => array( 'timeout' => $timeout ) ) ) : null; return ! is_null( $offset ) ? $length ? @file_get_contents( $file, false, $context, $offset, $length ) : @file_get_contents( $file, false, $context, $offset ) : @file_get_contents( $file, false, $context ); } elseif ( ! function_exists( 'curl_init' ) ) return self::set_error( new Exception( 'Install CURL or enable "allow_url_fopen"' ) ); $handle = curl_init( $file ); if ( $timeout ) curl_setopt( $handle, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $timeout ); if ( $offset || $length ) curl_setopt( $handle, CURLOPT_RANGE, $offset . '-' . ( $length ? $offset + $length -1 : null ) ); curl_setopt( $handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 ); $content = curl_exec( $handle ); $size = curl_getinfo( $handle, CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD ); curl_close( $handle ); return ( $offset && $size == -1 ) || ( $length && $length != $size ) ? $length ? substr( $content, $offset, $length) : substr( $content, $offset) : $content; } static public function untier( $announces ) { $list = array(); foreach ( (array) $announces as $tier ) { is_array( $tier ) ? $list = array_merge( $list, self::untier( $tier ) ) : array_push( $list, $tier ); } return $list; } public function upload($torrent){ } }