mail_method = $config['mail_metod']; $this->from = $config['admin_mail']; $this->charset = $config['charset']; $this->site_name = $config['short_title']; $this->smtp_host = $config['smtp_host']; $this->smtp_port = intval( $config['smtp_port'] ); $this->smtp_user = $config['smtp_user']; $this->smtp_pass = $config['smtp_pass']; $this->html_mail = $is_html; } function compile_headers() { $this->subject = "=?" . $this->charset . "?b?" . base64_encode( $this->subject ) . "?="; $from = "=?" . $this->charset . "?b?" . base64_encode( $this->site_name ) . "?="; if( $this->html_mail ) { $this->mail_headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0" . $this->eol; $this->mail_headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=\"" . $this->charset . "\"" . $this->eol; } else { $this->mail_headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0" . $this->eol; $this->mail_headers .= "Content-type: text/plain; charset=\"" . $this->charset . "\"" . $this->eol; } if( $this->mail_method != 'smtp' ) { if( count( $this->bcc ) ) { $this->mail_headers .= "Bcc: " . implode( ",", $this->bcc ) . $this->eol; } } else { $this->mail_headers .= "Subject: " . $this->subject . $this->eol; if( $this->to ) { $this->mail_headers .= "To: " . $this->to . $this->eol; } } $this->mail_headers .= "From: \"" . $from . "\" <" . $this->from . ">" . $this->eol; $this->mail_headers .= "Return-Path: <" . $this->from . ">" . $this->eol; $this->mail_headers .= "X-Priority: 3" . $this->eol; $this->mail_headers .= "X-Mailer: Files-Sib PHP" . $this->eol; } function send($to, $subject, $message) { $this->to = preg_replace( "/[ \t]+/", "", $to ); $this->from = preg_replace( "/[ \t]+/", "", $this->from ); $this->to = preg_replace( "/,,/", ",", $this->to ); $this->from = preg_replace( "/,,/", ",", $this->from ); if( $this->mail_method != 'smtp' ) $this->to = preg_replace( "#\#\[\]'\"\(\):;/\$!£%\^&\*\{\}#", "", $this->to ); else $this->to = '<' . preg_replace( "#\#\[\]'\"\(\):;/\$!£%\^&\*\{\}#", "", $this->to ) . '>'; $this->from = preg_replace( "#\#\[\]'\"\(\):;/\$!£%\^&\*\{\}#", "", $this->from ); $this->subject = $subject; $this->message = $message; $this->message = str_replace( "\r", "", $this->message ); $this->compile_headers(); if( ($this->to) and ($this->from) and ($this->subject) ) { if( $this->mail_method != 'smtp' ) { if( ! @mail( $this->to, $this->subject, $this->message, $this->mail_headers ) ) { $this->smtp_msg = "PHP Mail Error."; $this->send_error = true; } } else { $this->smtp_send(); } } $this->mail_headers = ""; } function smtp_get_line() { $this->smtp_msg = ""; while ( $line = fgets( $this->smtp_fp, 515 ) ) { $this->smtp_msg .= $line; if( substr( $line, 3, 1 ) == " " ) { break; } } } function smtp_send() { $this->smtp_fp = @fsockopen( $this->smtp_host, intval( $this->smtp_port ), $errno, $errstr, 30 ); if( ! $this->smtp_fp ) { $this->smtp_error( "Could not open a socket to the SMTP server" ); return; } $this->smtp_get_line(); $this->smtp_code = substr( $this->smtp_msg, 0, 3 ); if( $this->smtp_code == 220 ) { $data = $this->smtp_crlf_encode( $this->mail_headers . "\n" . $this->message ); $this->smtp_send_cmd( "HELO " . $this->smtp_host ); if( $this->smtp_code != 250 ) { $this->smtp_error( "HELO" ); return; } if( $this->smtp_user and $this->smtp_pass ) { $this->smtp_send_cmd( "AUTH LOGIN" ); if( $this->smtp_code == 334 ) { $this->smtp_send_cmd( base64_encode( $this->smtp_user ) ); if( $this->smtp_code != 334 ) { $this->smtp_error( "Username not accepted from the server" ); return; } $this->smtp_send_cmd( base64_encode( $this->smtp_pass ) ); if( $this->smtp_code != 235 ) { $this->smtp_error( "Password not accepted from the SMTP server" ); return; } } else { $this->smtp_error( "This SMTP server does not support authorisation" ); return; } } $this->smtp_send_cmd( "MAIL FROM:" . $this->from ); if( $this->smtp_code != 250 ) { $this->smtp_error( "Incorrect FROM address: $this->from" ); return; } $to_arry = array ($this->to ); if( count( $this->bcc ) ) { foreach ( $this->bcc as $bcc ) { if( preg_match( "/^.+\@(\[?)[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,4})(\]?)$/", str_replace( " ", "", $bcc ) ) ) { $to_arry[] = $bcc; } } } foreach ( $to_arry as $to_email ) { $this->smtp_send_cmd( "RCPT TO:" . $to_email ); if( $this->smtp_code != 250 ) { $this->smtp_error( "Incorrect email address: $to_email" ); return; break; } } $this->smtp_send_cmd( "DATA" ); if( $this->smtp_code == 354 ) { fputs( $this->smtp_fp, $data . "\r\n" ); } else { $this->smtp_error( "Error on write to SMTP server" ); return; } $this->smtp_send_cmd( "." ); if( $this->smtp_code != 250 ) { $this->smtp_error(); return; } $this->smtp_send_cmd( "quit" ); if( $this->smtp_code != 221 ) { $this->smtp_error(); return; } @fclose( $this->smtp_fp ); } else { $this->smtp_error( "SMTP service unaviable" ); return; } } function smtp_send_cmd($cmd) { $this->smtp_msg = ""; $this->smtp_code = ""; fputs( $this->smtp_fp, $cmd . "\r\n" ); $this->smtp_get_line(); $this->smtp_code = substr( $this->smtp_msg, 0, 3 ); return $this->smtp_code == "" ? FALSE : TRUE; } function smtp_error($err = "") { $this->smtp_msg = $err; $this->send_error = true; return; } function smtp_crlf_encode($data) { $data .= "\n"; $data = str_replace( "\n", "\r\n", str_replace( "\r", "", $data ) ); $data = str_replace( "\n.\r\n", "\n. \r\n", $data ); return $data; } } ?>