"Forum message", 'f_404' => "Reference, is «dead» or deleted. go back", 'page_deny' => "Members, of group {user_group}, cannot view this page.", 'all_info' => "Information", 'values_error' => "All fields are required! go back", 'subforums' => " - подфорумы", 'forum_read' => "Members, of group {user_group}, cannot view this forum.", 'topic_read' => "Members, of group {user_group}, cannot view this topic.", 'topic_write' => "Members, of group {user_group}, cannot leave post on this forum.", 'forum_down' => "Members, of group {user_group}, cannot download files on this forum.", 'is_topics' => "
Not found. it is poseble that in this forum not exist any topic, or the topic are to old and was deleted.
", 'search_nresult' => "The search did not return any results. search again?", 'search_error' => " You have entered less than 4 characters!. search again?", 'topic_yes' => "With answers", 'topic_no' => "Without answers", 'topic_closed' => "Topic closed", 'last_post' => "Last. post:", 'mtf_op' => "Option", 'mtf_01' => " - Open", 'mtf_02' => " - Close", 'mtf_03' => " - Delete", 'mtf_05' => " - Move", 'mtf_06' => " - Hide", 'mtf_07' => " - Publish", 'mtf_08' => " - Pin", 'mtf_09' => " - Unpin", 'time_heute' => "Today", 'time_gestern' => "Yesterday", 'fs_new' => "There are new messages", 'fs_nonew' => "There are not new messages", 'fl_topic' => "
Topic:", 'fl_author' => "
Author:", 'fl_nopost' => "There are not messages", 'fl_c_forum' => "Closed forum", 'err_mail' => "E-mail address is incorrect!.", 'err_name' => "You have entered the name of a registered user. If you are this user you must login first.", 'topic_add_stop' => "Fill out all required fields! {stop} go back", 'topic_add_ndeny' => "Members, of group {user_group}, cannot open topics on this forum.", 'app_warn' => "Warn", 'app_rep' => "Reputation", 'app_subscr' => "Subscrition", 'app_getnew' => "New Messages", 'app_newtopic' => "New Topic", 'app_reply' => "Reply", 'app_user_topic' => "User topics", 'app_post_edit' => "Edit message", 'app_search' => "Search", 'search_result' => "Search result", 'u_log_empty' => "
User magazine is empty.
", 'f_reply' => "Fast reply", 'getnew_title' => "Messages sice you last visited", 'all_read_link' => "Read all", 'subscr_not' => "
you dont have Subscrition on any topic.
", 'search_result' => "Search result", 'search_topic' => "The search did not return any results. go back", 'report_send' => "report was successfully send. go back", 'mail_send' => "mail was successfully send go back", 'title_forward' => "Send mail to friend", 'edit_info' => "Message was edited by", 'err_name' => "
  • Check spelling entered name!
  • ", 'err_mail' => "
  • Check spelling entered e-mail!
  • ", 'h_post' => "Message hiden", 'flood_stop' => "Flood protection is active, write your message in {time} seconds. go back", 'discuss_no_cat' => " choise forum for this category of news. go back", 'discuss_off' => "This function is turned of. to create forum login forum. go back", // add for 2.3 // 'captcha_stop' => "Security code does not match the display! Вернуться назад", 'maxlen_stop' => "The length of the message exceeds the limit! Вернуться назад", 'ajax_stop_1' => "He was activated flood control!", 'ajax_stop_2' => "Security code does not match the display!", 'ajax_stop_3' => "Заполните все необходимые поля!", 'ajax_stop_4' => "The length of the message exceeds the limit!", 'topic_last_p' => "By the last report:", 'last_visit' => "Since returning, the last time you were here", 'reg_name' => "
    Registered to ", ); ?>