mysqli = true; } function connect($db_user, $db_pass, $db_name, $db_location = 'localhost'){ if ($this->mysqli) $this->db_id = @mysqli_connect ($db_location, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_name); else $this->db_id = @mysql_connect ($db_location, $db_user, $db_pass); if (!$this->mysqli and !@mysql_select_db ($db_name, $this->db_id)) { $this->display_error (mysql_error (), mysql_errno ()); } if(!$this->db_id) { if ($this->mysqli) $this->display_error (mysqli_connect_error (), 1); else $this->display_error (mysql_error (), mysql_errno ()); } if ($this->mysqli) $this->mysql_version = mysqli_get_server_info ($this->db_id); else $this->mysql_version = mysql_get_server_info (); if(!defined('COLLATE')){define ("COLLATE", "cp1251");} if($this->mysqli) mysqli_query($this->db_id, "SET NAMES '" . COLLATE . "'"); elseif (version_compare ($this->mysql_version, '4.1', '>=')) mysql_query("/*!40101 SET NAMES '" . COLLATE . "' */"); return true; } function query($query) { $time_before = $this->get_real_time(); if(!$this->db_id) $this->connect(DBUSER, DBPASS, DBNAME, DBHOST); if($this->mysqli) $this->query_id = mysqli_query ($this->db_id, $query); else $this->query_id = mysql_query ($query, $this->db_id); $this->query_num++; if (!$this->query_id) { $this->mysql_error = mysqli_error ($this->db_id); $this->mysql_error_num = mysqli_errno ($this->db_id); $this->display_error ($this->mysql_error, $this->mysql_error_num, $query); } $this->MySQL_time_taken += $this->get_real_time() - $time_before; return $this->query_id; } function get_row($query_id = false) { if (!$query_id) $query_id = $this->query_id; if ($this->mysqli) $output = mysqli_fetch_assoc ($query_id); else $output = mysql_fetch_assoc ($query_id); return $output; } function get_affected_rows() { if($this->mysqli) return mysqli_affected_rows($this->db_id); else return mysql_affected_rows($this->db_id); } function get_array($query_id = false) { if (!$query_id) $query_id = $this->query_id; if($this->mysqli) return mysqli_fetch_array($query_id); else return mysql_fetch_array($query_id); } function super_query($query, $multi = false) { if(!$multi) { $this->query($query); $data = $this->get_row(); $this->free(); return $data; } else { $this->query($query); $rows = array(); while($row = $this->get_row()) {$rows[] = $row;} $this->free(); return $rows; }} function num_rows($query_id = false) { if (!$query_id) $query_id = $this->query_id; if($this->mysqli) return mysqli_num_rows($query_id); else return mysql_num_rows($query_id); } function insert_id() { if($this->mysqli) return mysqli_insert_id($this->db_id); else return mysql_insert_id($this->db_id); } function get_result_fields($query_id = false) { if (!$query_id) $query_id = $this->query_id; if ($this->mysqli) { while ($field = mysqli_fetch_field ($query_id)) $fields[] = $field; } else { while ($field = mysql_fetch_field ($query_id)) $fields[] = $field; } return $fields; } function safesql( $source ) { if(!$this->db_id) $this->connect(DBUSER, DBPASS, DBNAME, DBHOST); if ($this->mysqli and $this->db_id) $source = mysqli_real_escape_string ($this->db_id, $source); elseif (!$this->mysqli and $this->db_id) $source = mysql_real_escape_string ($source, $this->db_id); else $source = addslashes($source); return $source; } function free( $query_id = false ) { if (!$query_id) $query_id = $this->query_id; if($this->mysqli)@mysqli_free_result($query_id); else @mysql_free_result($query_id); } function close() { if ($this->mysqli) @mysqli_close ($this->db_id); else @mysql_close ($this->db_id); } function get_real_time() { list($seconds, $microSeconds) = explode(' ', microtime()); return ((float)$seconds + (float)$microSeconds); } function display_error($error, $error_num, $query = false){ if($this->show_error){ if(!$query) { // Safify query $query = preg_replace("/([0-9a-f]){32}/", "********************************", $query); // Hides all hashes $query_str = "$query"; } echo ' MySQL Fatal Error MySQL Error!

The Error returned was:

Error Number:

'; exit(); } else return false; } } ?>