$value) { $value = trim ($value); if ($value !== "" and strlen($value) > 3) { $search_text_array[] = $value; } } if (count($search_text_array)) { $search_list = implode('|', $search_text_array); } } } $search_fid = $_REQUEST['search_fid']; $count_all = intval($_REQUEST['count_all']); if ($forum_config['search_captcha']) { $search_captcha = check_access($forum_config['search_captcha']); } if ($search_captcha) { if ($_REQUEST['sec_code']) { $_SESSION['captcha_search'] = $_REQUEST['sec_code']; } if ($_SESSION['captcha_search'] == $_SESSION['sec_code_session']) { $search_captcha_true = TRUE; } } else { $search_captcha_true = TRUE; } if ($search_list AND $search_captcha_true) { if ($search_fid) { $_SESSION['search_fid'] = $search_fid; } if ($is_logged) { $row_views = $db->query("SELECT topic_id FROM " . PREFIX . "_forum_views WHERE user_id = '$member_id[user_id]'"); $topic_views = array(); while ($row = $db->get_row($row_views)) { $topic_views[$row['topic_id']] = '1'; } } else { $row_views = explode(",", $_COOKIE['dle_forum_views']); foreach ($row_views as $value) { $topic_views[$value] = '1'; } } if ($cstart){ $cstart = $cstart - 1; $cstart = $cstart * $forum_config['topic_inpage']; } $config_inpage = $forum_config['topic_inpage']; if ($search_fid) { if (is_array($search_fid)) { $hole_arr = array(); foreach ($search_fid as $hole) { $hole_arr[] = intval($hole); } $fid_list = implode(',', $hole_arr); } else { $fid_list = intval($search_fid); } } $fid_q = $fid_list ? "and forum_id IN ({$fid_list}) " : ""; if ($_REQUEST['search_in'] == "titles") { $mysql_query = "SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "_forum_topics WHERE title REGEXP ('$search_list') ".$fid_q."and hidden = 0 OR topic_descr REGEXP ('$search_list') ".$fid_q."and hidden = 0"; $count_query = "SELECT COUNT(tid) as count FROM " . PREFIX . "_forum_topics WHERE title REGEXP ('$search_list') ".$fid_q."and hidden = 0 OR topic_descr REGEXP ('$search_list') ".$fid_q."and hidden = 0"; } else { $mysql_query = "SELECT p.*, t.* FROM " . PREFIX . "_forum_posts AS p LEFT JOIN " . PREFIX . "_forum_topics AS t ON t.tid = p.topic_id WHERE p.post_text REGEXP ('$search_list') ".$fid_q."and p.hidden = 0 GROUP BY t.tid"; $count_query = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM " . PREFIX . "_forum_posts AS p LEFT JOIN " . PREFIX . "_forum_topics AS t ON t.tid = p.topic_id WHERE p.post_text REGEXP ('$search_list') ".$fid_q."and p.hidden = 0 GROUP BY t.tid"; } $result_topics = $db->query("" . $mysql_query . " LIMIT ".$cstart.",".$forum_config['topic_inpage'].""); if (!$count_all) { if ($_REQUEST['search_in'] == "titles") { $count_get = $db->super_query ($count_query); $count_all = $count_get['count']; } else { $count_all = $db->num_rows($db->query($count_query)); } } if ($count_all){ if ($forum_config['mod_rewrite']) { $icat = $forum_url . "/search/" . $count_all . "-" . urlencode($search_text) ."/"; } else { $icat = $forum_url."act=search&count_all=".$count_all."&search_text=".urlencode($search_text)."&cstart="; } require_once SYSTEM_DIR.'/forum/sources/showtopics.php'; require_once SYSTEM_DIR.'/forum/sources/components/navigation.php'; $tpl->load_template($tpl_dir.'forum.tpl'); $tpl->set('{forum}', $f_lang['search_result']); $tpl->set('{subforums}',''); $tpl->set('{topics}', $tpl->result['topics']); $tpl->set('{info}', $msg_info); $tpl->set('{navigation}', $tpl->result['navigation']); $tpl->set_block("'\\[options\\](.*?)\\[/options\\]'si", ''); $tpl->set_block("'\\[rules\\](.*?)\\[/rules\\]'si",""); $tpl->set_block("'\\[new_topic\\](.*?)\\[/new_topic\\]'si",""); $tpl->set_block("'\\[selected\\](.*?)\\[/selected\\]'si",""); $tpl->set_block("'\\[fast-search\\](.*?)\\[/fast-search\\]'si",""); $tpl->set_block("'\\[moderation\\](.*?)\\[/moderation\\]'si",""); $tpl->set_block("'\\[online\\](.*?)\\[/online\\]'si",""); $tpl->compile('dle_forum'); $tpl->clear(); } else { forum_msg($f_lang['f_msg'], $f_lang['search_nresult']); } } elseif ($_REQUEST['search_text'] and $search_maxlen) { forum_msg($f_lang['f_msg'], $f_lang['search_error']); } else { $_SESSION['search_fid'] = ""; $tpl->load_template($tpl_dir.'search.tpl'); $tpl->copy_template = "
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