519 lines
16 KiB
519 lines
16 KiB
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError
from datetime import datetime
import re
import os
import locale
import yaml
# Set the locale to UTF-8
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8')
def read_yaml_settings(file_yaml):
# If the yaml file exists
if os.path.isfile(file_yaml):
with open(file_yaml, 'r') as fOpen:
return yaml.safe_load(fOpen)
def fetch_url(url):
if not url:
headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0'}
print('[i] Fetching:', url)
response = urlopen(Request(url, headers=headers))
except HTTPError as e:
print('[E] HTTP Error:', e.code, 'whilst fetching', url)
except URLError as e:
print('[E] URL Error:', e.reason, 'whilst fetching', url)
# Read and decode
response = response.read().decode('UTF-8').replace('\r\n', '\n')
# If there is data
if response:
# Strip leading and trailing whitespace
response = '\n'.join(x.strip() for x in response.splitlines())
# Return the hosts
return response
def run_str_subs(string, dict_subs, precompiled=False):
# Return None if the supplied string was empty
if not string or not dict_subs:
# If the patterns aren't already compiled
# (it may be necessary to pre-compile if calling for a for loop)
if not precompiled:
# Add compiled regexps to dict
dict_subs = {re.compile(rf'{k}', re.M): v for k, v in dict_subs.items()}
# For each sub pattern
for pattern, sub in dict_subs.items():
# Remove matches
string = pattern.sub(sub, string)
return string
def sub_hosts(str_hosts):
# Conditional exit if argument not supplied
if not str_hosts:
# Construct substitution array
dict_subs = \
# Remove local dead-zone
r'^(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\s+': '',
# Remove IP addresses
r'^(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$': '',
# Remove any line that doesn't start a-z 0-9
r'^[^a-z0-9].*': '',
# Remove in-line comments
r'[^\S\n]+#.*$': '',
# Remove entries without a '.' (non-domains) or that start with
# localhost. and don't have any subsequent dots
r'^(?:(?![^.\n]+\.).*|localhost\.[^.\n]+)$': '',
# Remove empty lines
r'^[\t\s]*(?:\r?\n|\r)+': ''
str_hosts = run_str_subs(str_hosts, dict_subs).lower()
return str_hosts
def sub_regexps(str_regexps):
# Conditional exit if argument not supplied
if not str_regexps:
# Construct substitution array
dict_subs = \
# Remove comments
r'^#.*$': '',
# Remove empty lines
r'^[\t\s]*(?:\r?\n|\r)+': ''
str_regexps = run_str_subs(str_regexps, dict_subs)
return str_regexps
def sub_filters(str_filters):
# Conditional exit if argument not supplied
if not str_filters:
# Construct substitution array
dict_subs = \
# Remove non-valid (for AdGuard Home)
# restrictive / whitelist filters
r'^(?!(?:@@)?\|\|[a-z0-9_.-]+\^(?:\||(?:\$(?:third-party|document)))?$).*$': '',
# Remove $third-party or $document suffixes
r'\$(?:third-party|document)$': '',
# Remove IP addresses
r'^\|\|(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\^$': '',
# Remove empty lines
r'^[\t\s]*(?:\r?\n|\r)+': ''
str_filters = run_str_subs(str_filters, dict_subs).lower()
return str_filters
def fetch_hosts(h_urls):
if not h_urls:
set_hosts = set()
# For each host file
for url in h_urls:
# Fetch the hosts
str_hosts = fetch_url(url)
str_hosts = sub_hosts(str_hosts)
# If no hosts were returned (or an error occurred fetching them)
# Jump to the next host file
if not str_hosts:
# Add to array (append)
return set_hosts
def convert_hosts_to_restrictive_filters(set_hosts):
if not set_hosts:
# Create string from set_hosts
str_hosts = '\n'.join(set_hosts)
# Remove www prefixes
# providing there is at least one further dot (e.g. exclude www.be, www.fr)
str_hosts = run_str_subs(str_hosts, {r'^www\.(?=(?:[^.\n]+\.){1,}[^.\n]+$)': ''})
# Remove sub-domains
# and add back to filter format
set_hosts = {f'||{x}^' for x in
return set_hosts
def fetch_regexps(r_urls):
if not r_urls:
set_regexps = set()
for url in r_urls:
# Read the regexps
str_regexps = fetch_url(url)
str_regexps = sub_regexps(str_regexps)
# Conditional skip
if not str_regexps:
# Update regexps set in the correct format
set_regexps.update(f'/{r}/' for r in str_regexps.splitlines())
return set_regexps
def fetch_filters(f_urls):
if not f_urls:
set_filters = set()
# For each host file
for url in f_urls:
# Fetch the hosts
str_filters = fetch_url(url)
str_filters = sub_filters(str_filters)
# If no hosts were returned (or an error occurred fetching them)
# Jump to the next host file
if not str_filters:
# Add to array (append)
return set_filters
def parse_filters(set_hosts_and_filters, path_includes, file_filter_whitelist):
if not set_hosts_and_filters:
set_restrictive_filters = set()
set_unverified_whitelist = set()
set_verified_whitelist = set()
# If a filter whitelist has been provided
if file_filter_whitelist:
# Join the file path / name
file_filter_whitelist = os.path.join(path_includes, file_filter_whitelist)
# If the path exists and it is a file
if os.path.isfile(file_filter_whitelist):
# Add each line that's not a comment to the unverified whitelist set
with open(file_filter_whitelist, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as fOpen:
set_unverified_whitelist.update(line for line in (line.strip() for line in fOpen)
if line and not line.startswith(('!', '#')))
# Filter pattern to match ||test.com^
valid_filter_pattern = re.compile(r'^\|\|([a-z0-9_.-]+)\^$', flags=re.M)
# Whitelist pattern to match @@||test.com^ or @@||test.com^|
valid_whitelist_pattern = re.compile(r'^@@\|\|([a-z0-9_.-]+)\^\|?$', flags=re.M)
# Convert filters to string format
str_hosts_and_filters = '\n'.join(set_hosts_and_filters)
# Extract valid restrictive filters
list_valid_filters = valid_filter_pattern.findall(str_hosts_and_filters)
# Extract valid whitelist filters
list_valid_whitelist = valid_whitelist_pattern.findall(str_hosts_and_filters)
# Add valid filters to set
if list_valid_filters:
# Add valid whitelist to set
if list_valid_whitelist:
# If there are still checks required
if set_unverified_whitelist:
At this point we will build a string with artificial markers.
It is significantly faster to match against a whole string
instead of iterating through two lists and comparing.
# Add exact matches to whitelist verified
set_verified_whitelist = set_restrictive_filters.intersection(set_unverified_whitelist)
# If there were exact whitelist matches
if set_verified_whitelist:
# Remove them from the unverified whitelist
# Remove them from the restrictive filters (we'll keep the whitelist
# entry in-case it's in other lists)
# If there are still items to process in set_unverified_whitelist
if set_unverified_whitelist:
# Add artificial markers: .something.com$ (checking for existence of sub-domains)
gen_match_filters = (f'.{x}$' for x in set_restrictive_filters)
# Add artificial markers: ^something.com$ (so we can see whether each match criteria
# starts and ends
str_match_whitelist = '\n'.join(f'^{x}$' for x in set_unverified_whitelist)
# Gather restrictive filters that match the partial string
filter_match_result = filter(lambda x: x in str_match_whitelist, gen_match_filters)
# For each filter sub-domain that matched in the whitelist
for match in filter_match_result:
# For each whitelist
for whitelist in str_match_whitelist.splitlines():
# is .test.com$ in ^test.test.com$
if match in whitelist:
# If there were verified whitelist items
if set_verified_whitelist:
# Build substitution dict ready to remove
# the artificial markers
dict_subs = {r'^(?:\^|\.)': '', r'\$$': ''}
# Remove start / end markers and
# add @@|| prefix and ^ suffix to verified whitelist matches
set_verified_whitelist = {f'@@||{x}^' for x in
run_str_subs('\n'.join(set_verified_whitelist), dict_subs).splitlines()}
# Remove sub-domains again in-case a filter introduced
# a top-level domain
# Add || prefix and ^ suffix to set filters
set_restrictive_filters = {f'||{x}^' for x in remove_subdomains(set_restrictive_filters)}
return set.union(set_restrictive_filters, set_verified_whitelist)
def output_required(set_content, path_output, file):
# Initialise local_content
set_local_content = set()
# Store full file path
file_path = os.path.join(path_output, file)
# If the file already exists in the output directory
if os.path.isfile(file_path):
# Fetch the local file
# without the added header comments
with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as fOpen:
set_local_content.update(line for line in (line.strip() for line in fOpen)
if line and not line.startswith(('!', '#')))
# If the local copy was empty
# output the file
if not set_local_content:
return True
# If the local copy is identical to
# the generated output
if set_content == set_local_content:
print('[i] No updates required for', file)
return False
return True
# File does not exist
return True
def identify_wildcards(hosts, limit=50):
# Conditionally exit if hosts not provided
if not hosts:
# Create set to store wildcards
wildcards = {}
# Set prev tracker to None
prev = None
# Set iterator to 0
i = 0
# Reverse each host
rev_hosts = [host[::-1] for host in hosts]
# Sort reversed hosts
# For each host
for host in rev_hosts:
# If the domain is not a subdomain of the previous
# iteration
if not host.startswith(f'{prev}.'):
# If our previous host had more subdomains
# than the limit
if i >= limit:
# Add to wildcards set
wildcards[prev[::-1]] = i
# Set previous domain to the current iteration
prev = host
# Reset the iterator
i = 0
# Current iteration is a subdomain of the last
# so increment the counter
i += 1
# Sort dict on sub-domain count (desc)
wildcards = {k: v for k, v in sorted(wildcards.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)}
return wildcards
def remove_subdomains(hosts):
# Conditionally exit if hosts not provided
if not hosts:
# Create set to store wildcards
cleaned_hosts = set()
# Set prev tracker to None
prev = None
# Reverse each host
rev_hosts = [host[::-1] for host in hosts]
# Sort reversed hosts
# For each host
for host in rev_hosts:
# If the domain is not a subdomain of the previous
# iteration
if not host.startswith(f'{prev}.'):
# Conditionally set rev_host depending on prev
rev_host = prev[::-1] if prev else host[::-1]
# Add to host set
# Set previous domain to the current iteration
prev = host
return cleaned_hosts
class Output:
def __init__(self, path_base: str, path_output: str, path_includes: str, arr_sources: list, file_header: str,
list_output: list, file_name: str, file_type: int, description: str):
self.path_base = path_base
self.path_output = path_output
self.path_includes = path_includes
self.arr_sources = arr_sources
self.file_header = file_header
self.list_output = list_output
self.file_name = file_name
self.file_type = file_type
self.description = description
def build_header(self):
# Store header file path
file_header = os.path.join(self.path_includes, self.file_header)
# If header file exists
if os.path.isfile(file_header):
# Open it
with open(file_header, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as fOpen:
# Add each line to list if not blank
arr_header = [line for line in (line.strip() for line in fOpen) if line]
# If the header file is not empty
if arr_header:
# Fetch the header
# Join header and store in a string
str_header = '\n'.join(arr_header)
# Get the current timestamp with timezone
time_timestamp = datetime.now().astimezone().strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H:%M %Z')
# Get the appropriate comment character
c = '!' if self.file_type == 2 else '#'
# Set default for description if none is set
description = self.description or 'None'
# Fetch the sources and put into string
str_sources = '\n'.join([f'{c} {source}' for source in self.arr_sources]) or f'{c} None'
# Set the replacement criteria
dict_subs = \
'{c}': c,
'{title}': f'AdguardHome - {self.file_name}',
'{description}': description,
'{time_timestamp}': time_timestamp,
'{count}': f'{len(self.list_output):n}',
f'{c} {{arr_sources}}': str_sources
# Run the replacements
for k, v in dict_subs.items():
str_header = str_header.replace(k, v)
return str_header
def output_file(self):
# Store the output path
path_output = self.path_output
# Output file path
out_file = os.path.join(path_output, self.file_name)
# Double check output folder exists
if not os.path.exists(path_output):
# Set header to None by default
str_header = self.build_header()
# Output the file
print(f'[i] Outputting {self.file_name} to:', path_output)
with open(out_file, 'w', newline='\n', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
if str_header:
# Output header
# Output hosts
f.writelines(f'{host}\n' for host in self.list_output)